Search Results for: product marketing manager

[CASE STUDY] Going Product-Led Growth: How drives product adoption without a sales team

How-Kommunicate-io-Drives-Product Adoption-Without-a-Sales-Team
Case Studies

“Since the introduction of feature adoption cues 86% of people have completed the chat widget customization goal.This translated into a 3% increase in the feature’s usage. It’s a substantial increase for us as well – even if it’s just 5% increase – it then translates into a 2-3% increase in revenue, which has a substantial impact on our MRR” – see how used onboarding to drive product-led growth in a data-driven way!

What is Product Experience in SaaS? Definition, Elements, and More

What is Product Experience in SaaS? Definition, Elements, and More cover

What is product experience? What makes it different from the customer experience? How do you measure it? Let’s explore these questions, as well as go through some product management strategies to improve the product experience on your app to increase conversions and customer lifetime value.