Make Better Decisions with Actionable Product Analytics

Understand user behavior across the product journey with powerful custom reports, and answer every product question - without any coding.

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Event autocapture &
no-code event tracking

Track feature usage without code

Userpilot’s autocapture lets you track all events in your app automatically, no coding required. You don’t have to chase your developers to track events!

Trend analysis

Understand how your product is used

Identify usage trends among users, and find out which features are most popular by segment and time period.

Funnel analysis

Identify why & where users drop-off

Identify why & where users drop-off
Use Funnel analysis to understand where users are getting stuck. Identify friction points that are affecting user activation, feature adoption, and expansion revenue.

Path analysis

Understand how users navigate your product

Use Path analysis to track user actions before or after any event.

Retention (cohort)

Measure User & Feature Retention

Track user retention for different segments & features over time – and understand your product stickiness.

Analytics dashboards

Keep track of your key metrics at a glance

Use our pre-defined Product Usage, Activation & Core feature adoption dashboards, or build custom dashboards from scratch.


Session replay

Replay a user’s journey within your app

Use session replay to gain a deep, qualitative understanding into your user behavior – and where they’re getting stuck. Get the context behind your data.

Why Choose Userpilot for Product Analytics 


So you aren’t dependent on developers

Autocapture events

Capture events without tagging them, so you never miss any data

Actionable Insights

Build in-app experiences with the data you collect


3 major ways:

  1. All-in-one platform: Unlike other Product Analytics platforms, Userpilot is an all-in-one platform that combines product analytics with user onboarding and in-app surveys. This helps you reduce your tech stack, maintenance headaches, and costs. 
  2. Event auto-capture: Your events are captured automatically, without any coding. You don’t need to chase your developers to track events!
  3. Priced by MAUs, not events: Your invoices are predictable and consistent as it’s easier to predict the number of Monthly Active Users (MAUs) than events. Not just that, our pricing is more affordable than most Product Analytics, especially when you consider the cost of purchasing onboarding and survey tools.

Because it’s far easier to predict the number of monthly active users (MAUs) than events per month. Your invoices remain fairly consistent and you pay less than other tools that charge by events.

Userpilot combines 3 tools: Product Analytics, User Onboarding, and In-app Surveys.
This means you not only track product analytics but also take action with that data, such as by running a survey for dropped-off users in the funnel or creating a better onboarding experience to improve retention.

Trends: Visualize the usage of your features over time 

Funnels: Identify and reduce drop-offs within your product 

Paths: Track user routes before or after any event 

Retention: Track and improve the stickiness of your product

Dashboards: Create dashboards to keep track of key metrics at a glance 

Session Replay: Replay a user’s journey within your app

Besides these reports, you also get auto-capture events, which lets you track your events without any code.

All 3 modules are inter-connected:

For example, you can track data with Product Analytics, and then create a survey or in-app experience to improve the metrics.  

Or the other way: Create a survey or in-app experience and track its performance with Product Analytics.

Some of the KPIs you can improve are: 

  • New user Activation 
  • Feature Adoption 
  • Retention
  • Customer lifetime value 
  • Trial-to-paid conversion rate 
  • Net Promoter Score (NPS)

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Kontentino Improved New User Activation Rate by 10% in 1 month

“Userpilot helped Kontentino improve their first and second run user experience. Kontentino saw a 10% increase in user activation as well as improvements in 1-week retention.”

Security Standards at Userpilot

As a vendor that processes millions of data points on a daily basis, we take our customers and their users’ data very seriously.

Our data is fully encrypted, managed, and stored by SOC-compliant vendors such as Amazon AWS and Google Cloud.