Product Manager Job Description and Templates

Product Manager Job Description and Templates

Interested in product manager roles? You’re in the right place!

In this guide, we’ll explore the ins and outs of product manager roles through detailed job descriptions and handy templates. Whether you’re hiring, job hunting, or simply curious, we’ve got you covered with practical insights and ready-to-use resources.

Let’s dive in!


  • A product manager (PM) is a professional who identifies customer needs and defines what a successful product looks like to the broader business objectives. The individual manages the product’s lifecycle from conception through launch and beyond – making strategic decisions to enhance its value and performance.
  • A product manager job description outlines the key responsibilities, must-have skills, and qualifications required to be the wearer of many hats in the product development process. It can additionally include a list of preferred skills, experience, and certifications.
  • The specific requirements for this role will vary depending on the company size, industry, and the stage of the product lifecycle. For example, a startup in the early stages of development might require a Product Manager with a strong focus on user research and market validation, while a large enterprise with a mature product portfolio might prioritize experience with product roadmaps and driving business growth.
  • Here are some of the best practices that top product managers recommend:
    • Manage tools and resources effectively: Effective management ensures your team is equipped with the right tools and resources to meet project goals efficiently
    • Study and understand the product properly to answer questions: You should be able to answer questions from various stakeholders, including team members, clients, and upper management related to the product you’re building.
    • Empower your team: A great product manager empowers their team by delegating decision-making responsibilities.
    • Influence – not force: Effective leadership is about influence, not coercion. Instead of imposing your ideas or decisions, strive to influence others through active listening, empathy, and collaboration.
    • Stick to tough decisions when you make them: While it’s natural to seek consensus and minimize conflict, sometimes you must make unpopular choices for the greater good of the project or company.
  • Looking into tools for product managers? Userpilot is an all-in-one product platform with engagement features and powerful analytics capabilities. Book a demo to see it in action!

What is a product manager?

A product manager (PM) is a professional who identifies customer needs and defines what a successful product looks like to the broader business objectives. The individual manages the product’s lifecycle from conception through launch and beyond – making strategic decisions to enhance its value and performance.

Product manager’s main responsibilities

Product managers are pivotal in guiding the development and success of software products. Below are the primary responsibilities:

  • Product strategy and vision: Define and communicate a clear product vision and strategy aligned with business objectives.
  • Market research: Conduct market analysis to identify customer needs, competitive landscape, and industry trends.
  • Roadmap development: Create and maintain a data product roadmap that prioritizes features and improvements.
  • User feedback: Leverage user engagement tools to gather and analyze customer feedback to inform product decisions.
  • Cross-functional collaboration: Work with engineering, design, marketing, and sales teams to ensure cohesive product development and launch.
  • Feature specification: Write detailed specifications for new feature announcements and enhancements.
  • Agile methodology: Implement agile planning best practices to manage the product development lifecycle.
  • Data analytics: Monitor product performance metrics to drive continuous improvement.

Product manager job description and template

XYZ is a tool that has many years of experience in the SaaS industry, revolutionizing different companies through our innovative solutions. Our mission is to empower businesses with cutting-edge technology that enhances efficiency and growth.

We are seeking a dynamic and strategic product manager to join our team. The ideal candidate will be passionate about technology and possess strong leadership skills to drive the development and success of our products.

Key responsibilities:

  • Develop and execute a product strategy and roadmap that aligns with the company’s vision and goals.
  • Conduct market research to identify customer needs, industry trends, and competitive landscape. Use these insights to inform product decisions.
  • Work closely with engineering, design, marketing, and sales teams to ensure a seamless product development process and launch.
  • Define product features, create detailed specifications, and prioritize the product backlog based on customer feedback and business value.
  • Engage with customers to gather feedback and understand their pain points. And use this feedback to drive product improvements and ensure customer satisfaction.
  • Implement and manage agile practices within the product development team and optimize user journeys, ensuring iterative progress and adaptability to change.


  • Bachelor’s degree in Business, Computer Science, or a related field. An MBA is a plus.
  • 3+ years of experience as a product manager.
  • Strong understanding of SaaS product models and cloud-based technologies.
  • Proven ability to manage the product lifecycle marketing from concept to launch.
  • Excellent analytical, problem-solving, and decision-making skills.
  • Strong communication and interpersonal skills.
  • Experience with agile planning methodologies and project management tools (e.g., Jira, Trello).

Best practices to be a great product manager

How does one become a great product manager? It takes dedication, focus, skill, and understanding to pull it off effectively.

Here are some of the best practices that top product managers recommend:

  • Manage tools and resources effectively: Effective management ensures your team is equipped with the right tools and resources to meet project goals efficiently
  • Study and understand the product properly to answer questions: You should be able to answer questions from various stakeholders, including team members, clients, and upper management related to the product you’re building.
  • Empower your team: A great product manager empowers their team by delegating decision-making responsibilities.
  • Influence – not force: Effective leadership is about influence, not coercion. Instead of imposing your ideas or decisions, strive to influence others through active listening, empathy, and collaboration.
  • Stick to tough decisions when you make them: While it’s natural to seek consensus and minimize conflict, sometimes you must make unpopular choices for the greater good of the project or company.

Product manager FAQs

  • What exactly does a product manager do? A product manager is responsible for guiding the development and lifecycle of a product from concept to launch.
  • How much does a product manager make? On average, in the United States, a product manager can expect to earn between $150,000 and $263,000 annually.
  • What do you need to become a product manager? To become a product manager, a combination of education, experience, and relevant skills is typically required.
  • Do you need an MBA to be a product manager? While an MBA can be advantageous and provide valuable skills in business strategy, leadership, and financial analysis, it is not a strict requirement to become a product manager.
  • What industries hire product managers the most? Product managers are in high demand across numerous industries, with technology being the most prominent. Tech companies, particularly those developing software, hardware, and digital services, frequently hire product managers.


We hope this guide has provided you with valuable insights into the roles and responsibilities of product managers.

By understanding the key responsibilities and skills required, you can make informed decisions and take meaningful steps in your career or recruitment journey.

Looking into tools for product managers? Userpilot is an all-in-one product platform with engagement features and powerful analytics capabilities. Book a demo to see it in action!

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