60+ Feedback Questions to Improve Your Product and Increase Customer Satisfaction

60+ Feedback Questions to Improve Your Product and Increase Customer Satisfaction cover

Most important customer feedback questions to ask

The best feedback questions encourage users to tell you about their experience. They teach you about your product, competition, customer experience, etc. Most importantly, they help you make informed decisions that improve your service or product.

Let us now consider different question categories and the most important questions you can ask in each.

Customer feedback questions to conduct market research

To truly satisfy your customers, you need to know what they want. Market research feedback questions are extremely useful in this regard.

Market research questions are sent to potential or existing customers to understand how they perceive your brand or product and its ability to solve their problems. Consider some questions to help you achieve this goal.

1. How did you hear about our product/service?

The goal of the above question is to help you identify the motivation behind a visitor’s first visit to your website. Were they encouraged by your social media posts, a friend, some podcast, or something else?

2. Are you familiar with our competitors? If yes, please list them.

3. What made you choose our product/service over competitors?

4. What do you think sets our product/service apart from competitors?

For this next set of market research feedback questions above, the goal is to determine how well the customer knows your competition and identify the factors that weighed in their choice of your product over competing products.

5. Are there any features or benefits offered by competitors that you wish our product/service had?

6. What do you think is the biggest challenge our product/service faces in the market?

Next, you may want to learn of the advantages the competition has over you. This may be product features, services, or anything else that gives them a competitive advantage over your product.

7. How would you rate our product/service in comparison to competitors on a scale of 1-10?

Finally, you can use a rating scale question to gauge how highly the customer ranks your product versus the competition.

Customer feedback questions to learn about your competition

This category of questions helps you compare your product and overall customer satisfaction levels with that of the competition. It includes questions like:

1. Have you used any products/services offered by our competitors? If yes, please specify which ones.

2. How would you compare our product/service to those offered by our competitors in terms of quality?

3. What are some strengths and weaknesses of our competitors’ products/services that you have noticed?

4. Are there any features or functionalities offered by our competitors that you think we should consider implementing?

5. How satisfied are you with our product/service in comparison to those offered by competitors?

6. Are there any specific reasons you would choose a competitor’s product/service over ours?

Using these questions, you can learn whether the customer has previously used one of your competitor’s products, how highly they rated it, and what they liked and didn’t like about it.

The responses you get should help you learn what your customers value the most and how you can improve your product.

Customer feedback questions to help you understand user personas

Where market research helps you understand what your customer wants, user persona feedback questions help you understand who your ideal target audience is and what they desire. Sample questions in this category include:

1. Can you describe your role or profession and how our product/service fits into your work or life?

2. Do you think our product/service caters to any specific demographics or user characteristics?

The goal of the above questions is to determine who your customer is. Where do they work? What’s their job title? Where are they found?

3. What are your main goals or objectives when using our product/service?

4. How does our product/service help you achieve those goals?

5. Can you share any specific challenges or pain points that our product/service has helped you overcome?

But the user persona isn’t about who the user is alone. So, with the questions above, you try to determine how your product ties into their need and what problems they hope to solve using the product.

6. What other products or services do you use in conjunction with ours to meet your needs?

Finally, knowing the complementary products your users work with can help you better identify potential customers.

Customer feedback questions about your product or service

Now, it’s time to consider product survey questions that help you gauge the product experience and identify opportunities for improvement and growth. There are two categories of customer feedback questions here.

1. How would you describe your overall experience with our product/service?

2. What do you like most about our product/service?

3. How would you rate the value for money offered by our product/service?

For this first category of questions, the goal is to understand what the user thinks of your service and the customer journey within your product, and how they both measure up to your value proposition.

4. What improvements or changes would you suggest to enhance our product/service?

5. Have you encountered any issues or difficulties while using our product/service? If yes, please describe.

6. Is there anything missing from our product/service that you expected to find?

For the second category, however, you want the customer to directly identify friction points and potential improvement areas, enabling you to improve the customer experience.

Customer feedback questions to measure customer experience

In general, this set of customer feedback questions should give you an idea of the customer’s overall impression of your brand, particularly after an interaction with your brand.

Note, though, that there are many different aspects of the customer experience, with each requiring tailor-made questions. Consider, for example, the questions below:

1. Were you satisfied with the level of customer service you received?

2. Did our company meet your expectations in terms of responsiveness and support?

3. Did you encounter any challenges or issues when interacting with our company?

The goal is to determine the customer’s level of satisfaction after an interaction with your customer support team. The happier the customer is after a moment when they needed help, the more appealing your brand will be.

4. Were you able to easily navigate and use our website or platform?

5. How likely are you to continue using our product/service based on your experience?

For these questions, however, you’re aiming to determine your overall product or website usability and ease of use.

Customer feedback questions to measure customer satisfaction and customer loyalty

Customer satisfaction survey questions measure the customer’s overall satisfaction with your product or service. They provide valuable insights that help you identify loyal customers.

1. Customer satisfaction survey question: On a scale of 1-10, how satisfied are you with our product/service?

2. Net Promoter Score question: Would you recommend our product/service to others? Why or why not?

3. How likely are you to repurchase our product/service in the future?

In addition to generating a customer satisfaction score, though, a customer satisfaction survey helps you to gauge customer satisfaction versus expectation, competition, etc.

4. How does our product/service compare to your expectations?

5. What would make you switch to a competitor’s product/service?

6. Have you used our product/service in the past? If yes, how would you rate your experience over time?

Ultimately, by asking these questions often enough, you can gauge how customers’ perceptions of your brand change over time. If you notice an uptick in overall satisfaction, you can check what changed and build on it.

Customer feedback questions about product usability

For this next set of customer feedback questions, the goal is to determine your product’s overall intuitiveness. A product that’s easy to use is more engaging and more likely to result in product adoption.

1. How easy was it to understand and use our product/service?

2. Were you able to find all the necessary information or features easily?

3. Did you encounter any difficulties or confusion while using our product/service?

4. Is there anything about the user interface or design that you found particularly frustrating or intuitive?

5. How would you rate the overall usability of our product/service on a scale of 1-10?

6. Are there any specific improvements or changes you would suggest to enhance the usability of our product/service?

In addition to determining how easy your product is to use, the questions also help you identify existing friction points in your UI. As you iron out these areas of friction, you greatly improve the product experience for users.

Customer feedback questions to improve customer service experience

Unlike customer satisfaction surveys, these feedback questions focus solely on customer interactions with the support team. Use them right after an interaction with the support team to gauge the customer service experience.

1. How would you rate the responsiveness and helpfulness of our customer service team?

2. Were your inquiries or concerns addressed on time?

3. Did our customer service team provide satisfactory solutions or resolutions to your issues?

4. How would you rate the overall professionalism and knowledge of our customer service representatives?

5. Is there anything specific we could do to improve our customer service experience?

6. Have you had any positive or negative experiences with our customer service that you would like to share?

Your goal here is to determine how effective your customer support team is at addressing customers’ concerns.

Customer feedback questions to test new products, services, or features

Releasing a new feature to customers is one of the best ways to provide additional value for them. However, you need to validate the feature to ensure it meets user needs and improves the customer experience.

1. How would you rate the usefulness or relevance of the new product/service/feature to your needs?

2. How does the new product/service/feature compare to existing alternatives or solutions?

3. Is there anything about the new product/service/feature that stands out positively or negatively?

4. How likely are you to continue using the new product/service/feature in the future?

5. How does the new product/service/feature contribute to enhancing your overall experience?

6. How would you rate the value for money offered by the new product/service/feature?

7. Would you recommend the new product/service/feature to others? Why or why not?

8. Does the new product/service/feature meet your expectations in terms of performance and reliability?

9. How does the new product/service/feature align with your goals or objectives?

10. Is there anything else you would like to share about your experience with the new product/service/feature?

With these questions, you want to understand how well the new feature or product helps the customer achieve their goals.

11. Have you encountered any challenges or difficulties while using the new product/service/feature? If yes, please describe.

12. Are there any specific improvements or enhancements you would suggest for the new product/service/feature?

13. What other features or functionalities would you like to see added to the new product/service/feature?

14. Have you noticed any bugs or technical issues while using the new product/service/feature?

Finally, you can frame your feedback questions like the ones above to help you identify the friction points and difficulties associated with using the new feature or product.

Best practices when creating customer feedback questions

So, how can you create customer feedback questions that accurately measure customer sentiments at all times?

Consider a few best practices to ensure you always receive accurate and helpful user feedback with your surveys.

Collect customer feedback with close-ended and open-ended questions

Close-ended questions are useful tools for collecting quantitative feedback. These are questions with pre-defined responses, such as multiple-choice questions (MCQs), Yes/No questions, smiley face questions, rating scale questions, etc.

Quantitative data is useful when measuring scores, tracking preferences, etc. For instance, you can use a rating scale to measure customer satisfaction or Net Promoter Score. Likewise, you can use an MCQ to collect behavioral data.

On the other hand, an open-ended question is a useful tool for gathering qualitative data and gauging customer sentiment. It enables a customer to share feedback in their own words.

A good feedback survey, therefore, must combine both question types. For example, a user persona survey may use an MCQ to identify a customer’s job role and proceed with open-ended questions to understand their goals and challenges.

Behavioral survey questions
Combine open and close-ended questions for better survey questions.

Trigger customer feedback surveys contextually

The best in-app surveys are “contextual” in nature. This means that they appear at precise moments in the customer journey, asking the right customer the right question at the right time.

Contextual feedback surveys take advantage of the freshness of an experience to get the most accurate customer feedback.

For instance, rather than wait two days to ask a user how their interaction with a support agent went, ask them immediately after the interaction. Not only are they more likely to respond, but their response will also be more accurate.

Feedback segmentation in Userpilot
Segment customers to improve survey accuracy.

Use the same format to collect customer feedback across the customer journey

Finally, you must maintain consistency in your question structure to avoid confusion in your surveys. For example, your rating scales should maintain the same order at all times.

This means that you are to maintain a 5-scale option for feedback collection if you started your survey with it. Scales in a survey should also flow in the same direction (e.g. Strongly Disagree to Strongly Agree).

Rating scale survey
Maintain the same scale format throughout your survey.

How to collect feedback easily and efficiently with Userpilot

A powerful product growth platform, Userpilot boasts extensive features that enable you to create, send, and analyze in-app surveys, amongst other things.

Create surveys with code-free templates

Userpilot is home to an extensive list of ready-made survey templates. This includes templates for everything from NPS surveys to CSAT, CES, and churn surveys, among others.

All you need do is select an appropriate survey template and customize it to your taste. You can brand it with your colors and logo, include localization options, set segmentation and triggering conditions, etc.

Userpilot feedback templates
Choose your preferred survey from an extensive template library in Userpilot.

You can also create surveys from scratch without writing any line of code, with greater creative freedom over the content and appearance of the survey.

Trigger follow-up questions automatically when collecting customer feedback

While quantitative survey questions are great for getting a general idea of a customer’s experience, qualitative questions are great for getting the specifics behind the ratings.

Userpilot enables you to trigger varying qualitative follow-up questions depending on the user’s initial answer.

For instance, a standard NPS survey uses a rating scale to determine a customer’s satisfaction and loyalty levels. You can then automatically trigger a follow-up question to get more insight into each user’s provided rating.

NPS Follow-up feedback questions
Define follow-up feedback questions to match different NPS scores.

Analyze responses over time

Beyond creating and managing surveys, Userpilot provides a nifty dashboard for tracking and analyzing survey responses.

The suite of analytics tools Userpilot provides enables you to quickly visualize results and determine whether your survey questions are serving their intended purpose or if they need to be changed.

You can also analyze responses over time to see how they evolve as you implement certain changes to your product/service.


There you have it! 60+ questions for different feedback purposes and goals to make your job of crafting effective customer feedback questions just a tad easier.

How to begin? Userpilot provides an array of no-code features and tools to make creating custom customer feedback questions even easier. To learn how these tools can fit into your product, book a demo today.

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