Post-event Survey Questions for SaaS and How to Deliver Them

Post-event Survey Questions for SaaS and How to Deliver Them cover

Why should you send post-event surveys?

Post-event surveys are relevant to the experience that your users are having at the moment, meaning that they’ll be more willing to respond with clarity when shown a survey question.

That said, anyone who needs high-quality feedback should consider triggering the right survey, to the right person, at the right moment. The benefits of this are many:

  • Increased response rates as users are more willing to respond to a survey about an experience they just had moments ago.
  • Higher quality feedback as users will be more likely to be more honest and not make things up.
  • Better decision-making when analyzing customer feedback.
  • Improved product experience as post-event surveys are much less annoying than random ones.

Examples of post-event survey questions for SaaS

As we said, surveying your users after significant events is crucial to gathering valuable insights.

Here are some examples of post-event survey questions tailored for SaaS, organized by specific scenarios (plus many lists of sample questions you can use):

Post-onboarding survey questions

Post-onboarding surveys help you understand the initial user experience and identify any issues new users may face. It will help you improve the onboarding process, as well as ensure users can easily adopt your product.

You can trigger this in-app or through email immediately after the onboarding process is completed. However, it’s also viable to send them whenever a user achieves a specific milestone after following onboarding resources (e.g. checklists, interactive walkthroughs, virtual assistants, etc).

This way, you can analyze the onboarding in a more granular way—allowing you to spot which specific parts of your initiation process are adding value or becoming an obstacle.

onboarding post event survey questions
Example of a post-onboarding survey.

Overall satisfaction

  • How satisfied are you with the onboarding process?
  • What aspects of the onboarding process did you find most useful?
  • How likely are you to recommend our product to a friend or colleague after onboarding?
  • Did the onboarding process meet your expectations?
  • What could we improve in the onboarding process?

Ease of onboarding

  • How easy was it to complete the onboarding process?
  • How easy was it to set up our product?
  • Did you encounter any difficulties during onboarding?
  • How would you rate the clarity of the onboarding instructions?
  • Were there any steps in the onboarding process that were confusing?
  • How intuitive did you find our onboarding process?
  • How easy is it to integrate our product with [tool name]?

Effectiveness of onboarding resources

  • How useful did you find our onboarding resources?
  • Which onboarding resources did you find most helpful (e.g., guides, videos, tutorials)?
  • Were there any resources you felt were missing during onboarding?
  • How would you rate the quality of the onboarding resources provided?
  • What additional resources would you like to see?

Post-feature release survey questions

Post-feature release surveys gather user feedback on new features, helping you assess their effectiveness and usability. This constructive feedback can help you spot bugs quickly, make adjustments, and ensure the new features meet user needs without any friction.

You can send these surveys either in-app or through email shortly after the user has had the opportunity to try the new feature. It’s also a great opportunity to add an open-ended question to the survey to receive suggestions, ideas, and possible bugs.

As a result, users will see that you’re open to listening to their concerns and you’ll likely receive better qualitative data from said surveys.

new feature post event survey questions
Examples of post-feature release questions on Userpilot.

Overall experience

  • How would you rate your experience with the new feature?
  • What did you like the most about the new feature?
  • How satisfied are you with the new feature?
  • What was the most challenging aspect of using the new feature?
  • Would you recommend this feature to others?
  • Did this feature help you solve [job-to-be-done]?

Feature usability

  • How easy is it to use the new feature?
  • Did you face any issues while using the new feature?
  • How would you rate the user interface of the new feature?
  • Were there any functionalities you found difficult to understand?
  • How intuitive did you find the new feature?
  • What issues or challenges have you experienced with the new feature?

Customer effort score

  • How much effort did you put into using the new feature?
  • What can we do to make the feature easier to use?
  • Did you need to contact support to use the new feature?
  • How much time did it take you to learn to use the new feature?
  • How would you rate the documentation/help available for the new feature?

Additional feedback

  • Do you have any additional comments or suggestions?
  • What improvements would you like to see in this feature?
  • Did you encounter any bugs or issues?
  • How do you think this feature could be enhanced?
  • Is there anything else you’d like to share about your experience?
  • How can we improve your experience?

Post-customer service interaction survey questions

Post-customer service surveys help you evaluate the effectiveness of your support team and the quality of service provided. It will provide insights so you can improve customer service and ensure user satisfaction.

It’s best to send these surveys immediately after the customer service interaction is completed, preferably through email. This can be after the ticket has been closed, the issue has been resolved, or whenever a user has finished their conversation with a support agent (regardless of whether the issue was solved or not).

With these surveys, you can learn about what common issues are being brought by users, what your support team can do better, as well as measure the performance of your agents.

customer support post event survey questions
Example of a satisfaction survey post-customer support.

Overall satisfaction

  • How satisfied are you with the customer service interaction?
  • What can we improve in our customer service?
  • How likely are you to recommend our customer service to a friend or colleague?
  • Did the customer service interaction meet your expectations?
  • What did you like most about the customer service interaction?

Support effectiveness

  • How effective was our support in resolving your issue?
  • Did you get the help you needed?
  • How knowledgeable did you find our support team?
  • Were you satisfied with the solution provided?
  • How would you rate the overall effectiveness of the support you received?
  • How much effort did you have to put forth to resolve your issue?

Response time

  • How would you rate the response time of our support team?
  • Was the response time acceptable?
  • How long did it take for your issue to be resolved?
  • How quickly did you receive a response after contacting support?
  • Was there any delay in receiving the support you needed?

Additional feedback

  • Do you have any additional comments or suggestions?
  • How can we improve our customer support?
  • Did you face any challenges during the support interaction?
  • What could we have done better?
  • Is there anything else you’d like to share about your experience?

Post-virtual event surveys

Hosting a successful event, such as webinars and live demos, is a critical touchpoint for user engagement.

That said, gathering feedback immediately after a virtual conference or webinar helps improve future events.

This is because post-event surveys (unlike pre-event survey questions) help you gauge event success and understand the experience of event attendees. As a result, you’ll be able to refine your next event and ensure it meets the audience’s expectations.

These surveys can be sent immediately after the virtual event concludes. Or, you can trigger them a few days after the event to see how well the content resonated with the audience—providing qualitative data on what aspects of the event were well-received or not.

post event survey questions
Example of a post-event survey question.

Attendee satisfaction

  • How satisfied are you with the virtual event?
  • What could we improve in future events?
  • How likely are you to attend another event hosted by us?
  • Did the event meet your expectations?
  • What did you enjoy most about the event?

Content relevance

  • How relevant was the content of the event to you?
  • What topics would you like to see in future events?
  • Did you find the event content valuable?
  • How would you rate the overall relevance of the event content?
  • Was the event content applicable to your needs?

Speaker performance

  • How would you rate the performance of the speaker?
  • Do you have any feedback for the speaker?
  • Was the speaker engaging and informative?
  • How knowledgeable did you find the speaker?
  • Did the speaker address your questions and concerns?

Value for time

  • How valuable was the event for your time?
  • Would you attend future events?
  • How would you rate the overall value of the event?
  • Did the event provide actionable insights?
  • Was the event duration appropriate?

How to deliver post-event survey questions effectively

Delivering post-event survey questions effectively ensures higher response rates and more accurate feedback.

Let’s go over three steps to get started:

1. Determine the conditions upon sending the surveys

To maximize the quality of post-event feedback, it’s crucial to ask the right question, at the right time, and through the appropriate channels.

For this, it’s essential to determine with detail and anticipation what survey you’re going to trigger, where you’re going to send it, and under which specific condition.

To make this easier, you can follow this order:

  • Condition: The specific action that triggers the survey. E.G. After completing the onboarding process, interacting with a new feature, when communicating with customer service, etc.
  • Channel: Where are you going to send the survey? It can be in-app for immediate feedback or through email to get more in-depth, detailed responses.
  • Question: What data do you need to get from this survey? You can ask about how easy it is to use a feature, their feelings about your brand, or how satisfied they are with your product.

For instance, if you choose to trigger a survey after a user has interacted with a feature, you can easily decide to trigger a CES survey inside your app to leverage the momentum. Then, you’ll come up with more relevant questions to the user experience such as “How easy is it to use this feature?”.

2. Set triggering conditions using a survey tool

After determining your survey tactic, you can start using a survey tool to help you automate the process and ensure that surveys are sent at the right moments.

This way, you no longer have to worry about sending these surveys and focus on the results instead.

When using a survey tool like Userpilot, you need to consider the different triggering conditions you can set up. These can include:

  • Trigger: Specific user actions like completing onboarding or using a new feature. Or when the user visits a specific page.
  • Environment: Whether the survey is sent in-app or via email.
  • Domain: Condition the survey to appear only on a specific sub-domain.
  • Page: The exact page or paths within your app where the survey can be displayed.
  • Audience: Targeting the survey to a specific user segment.
  • Frequency: Deciding whether to send the survey only once or on a time-based recurrence.
survey triggering conditions
Setting up survey triggering conditions with Userpilot.

3. Monitor response rate and iterate

When it comes to analyzing your survey responses, it’s essential to monitor the response rate.

This way, you’ll be able to evaluate if your post-event surveys actually led to more responses, compare the performance of different methods, and iterate your approach.

survey analytics
Watching survey analytics with Userpilot.

The steps for this look like this:

  1. Sample the survey: Test the survey with a small user segment to gauge response rates before scaling it.
survey sampling
Doing survey sampling with Userpilot.
  1. Adjust based on response rate: Make necessary changes to the survey content or triggering conditions if response rates are low.
  2. Continuous improvement: Regularly review and update your survey questions and conditions based on feedback.


Sending post-event surveys is an effective way to gather valuable user feedback and improve your SaaS product.

Understanding when and how to trigger these surveys can ensure higher response rates and more accurate feedback.

However, you’ll need a specialized tool to design, customize, and trigger surveys inside your app. So why not book a Userpilot demo today to see how you can improve the quality of customer feedback?

Try Userpilot and Take Your Product Experience to the Next Level

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