How CYBERBIZ Revamped Their Admin Panel With Userpilot

How CYBERBIZ Revamped Their Admin Panel With Userpilot cover

CYBERBIZ is a Taiwan-based e-commerce platform, which currently supports a significant number of stores in the country.

Dedicated to providing excellent customer experience, the CYBERBIZ product team decided to overhaul its key functionality and chose Userpilot as a tool to facilitate the process.

We caught up with Wei-Di Huang, the Senior Product Manager at CYBERBIZ, to talk about his Userpilot experience.

CYBERBIZ success story – a quick summary

  • Challenges: CYBERBIZ needed to redesign its admin panel to enhance the user experience and effectively introduce its new features.
  • Solution: They used Userpilot’s in-app surveys for feedback collection and beta tester recruitment, implemented in-app messaging for feature announcements, and leveraged product analytics to monitor performance and guide redesign decisions.
  • Results: CYBERBIZ experienced improved new feature adoption, reduced support tickets, and gained the ability to make more informed decisions based on unified customer feedback and user data.
  • Facing similar challenges as CYBERBIZ? Book a demo!

Challenge: Creating a more intuitive admin panel

CYBERBIZ’s main goal was redesigning the admin panel.

They wanted to make it more user-friendly and intuitive, which would enable their customers to complete their tasks more efficiently.

This involved launching new features and finding an effective way to introduce them and highlight their benefits.

Moreover, they needed a tool that would help them prioritize the right features to redesign and collect customer feedback on the newly launched functionality.

Solution: Leveraging Userpilot to optimize the redesign process

CYBERBIZ used Userpilot in a number of ways to optimize its redesign strategy.

Want to Enhance Your UX like CYBERBIZ did in this Case Study? Try Userpilot

In-app announcements for feature releases

The CYBERBIZ team used Userpilot’s in-app messaging to announce the redesigned features and created interactive walkthroughs to teach users how to get the most out of them.

We use Userpilot to make the announcement and walkthrough to let users understand how to use the features to achieve the specific goal we want them to.
Wei-Di Huang, Senior Product Manager at CYBERBIZ

Cyberbiz feature announcement
CYBERBIZ feature announcement created in Userpilot.

In-app surveys to collect customer feedback

CYBERBIZ put the in-app survey functionality to good use.

First, they used it to measure customer satisfaction after the redesign.

Whenever they received negative feedback, they added it to the backlog. The team then followed up with the customer for detailed insights.

After the redesign, we fired this survey to our users to see if they were happy with the new design. We asked them a very quick and easy question, like how satisfied they are with the new design and if there are any improvements they want to implement.
Wei-Di Huang, Senior Product Manager at CYBERBIZ

Cyberbiz in-app survey
CYBERBIZ in-app survey created in Userpilot.

Second, they used them to simplify beta-tester recruitment.

Before implementing Userpilot surveys, CYBERBIZ relied on its account managers to compile lists of potential participants and then contact them on behalf of the product team – this was too tedious.

Now, product managers can identify and invite users to take part in the test directly.

Userpilot surveys help us to quickly collect some users. Before this feature, we had to communicate with our account manager and ask them to collect a list of customers and contact them manually. It’s kinda tedious. So after this survey, product managers can leverage Userpilot and create surveys to collect the list of customers.
Wei-Di Huang, Senior Product Manager at CYBERBIZ

Cyberbiz survey for recruiting beta testers
CYBERBIZ survey for recruiting beta testers.

Product analytics to monitor the performance of the admin panel

The redesign decisions weren’t based on hunches or anecdotal data but data-driven insights from Userpilot analytics.

The CYBERBIZ product team used page view performance data to identify the most popular pages to prioritize during the redesign.

Cyberbiz used page view data to identify the most valuable features
CYBERBIZ used page view data to identify the most valuable features.

That wasn’t the only metric they tracked. They also analyzed average session durations to monitor the performance of the redesign.

The shorter the session, the less friction the user experiences, and the quicker they can get the jobs done. So, by comparing the data from before and after the redesign, they were able to determine if it was successful.

I will select different pages to see the average session duration because for some features, like the order manager, we want to reduce the session duration. We want to know if the redesign will help the users achieve their jobs or have the jobs done more quickly.
Wei-Di Huang, Senior Product Manager at CYBERBIZ

Session duration data allowed Cyberbiz to measure the impact of the redesign
Session duration data allowed CYBERBIZ to measure the impact of the redesign.

Results: Improved feature adoption and reduced support load

How successful was Userpilot implementation for CYBERBIZ?

For starters, it helped them improve new feature adoption and reduce the load on the support team.

The proof?

Fewer support tickets.

This launch is quite successful compared to others because the support tickets are low.
Wei-Di Huang, Senior Product Manager at CYBERBIZ

As an all-in-one platform, Userpilot streamlined their operations and—most importantly—allowed them to make better-informed decisions. That’s because they were now able to collect and analyze customer feedback and user data in one place and better understand the context:

Before Userpilot, we used Typeform and made the customers fill out their domain information or their email, and it was very tedious. In Userpilot, we can connect user data and the feedback together to see the feedback from a specific user.
Wei-Di Huang, Senior Product Manager at CYBERBIZ

How to leverage Userpilot for effective feature launches?

Let’s wrap up with a quick overview of the key Userpilot features that can facilitate feature releases.

  • You can create in-app messages and flows to announce the new features and drive their adoption – and to recruit beta testers.
To create in-app messages in Userpilot, pick a UI pattern template and adapt it accordingly.
To create in-app messages in Userpilot, pick a UI pattern template and adapt it accordingly.
  • With the in-app resource center, you can educate your users and give them the tools to solve their problems independently. This minimizes the disruption—and the strain on your support services.
Userpilot resource center for self-service support
Userpilot resource center for self-service support.
  • Thanks to in-app surveys and the feedback widget, you can collect customer feedback and measure the new feature’s success. For example, you can use event-based triggering to send the surveys exactly when the user engages with a feature.
Creating in-app surveys in Userpilot is a breeze thanks to the template library.
Creating in-app surveys in Userpilot is a breeze thanks to the template library.
  • The analytics features allow you to make informed prioritization decisions, identify areas for improvement, and measure the impact of changes.
Userpilot offers custom analytics dashboards so you can view all key metrics and reports from one place
Userpilot offers custom analytics dashboards so you can view all key metrics and reports from one place.


CYBERBIZ started using Userpilot to address specific problems. They needed a tool that would help them inform the redesign of their key features, improve their adoption, and measure the impact of the changes.

Userpilot delivered on all fronts.

If you face similar challenges and would like to learn more about Userpilot functionality, book a demo!

Want to Enhance Your UX like CYBERBIZ did in this Case Study? Try Userpilot

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