12 SaaS Conversion Rate Optimization Best Practices

12 SaaS Conversion Rate Optimization Best Practices cover

Looking for more information on conversion rate optimization best practices for improving customer retention?

Look no more! We have compiled a list of 12 best practices that will help you drive business growth.


  • Conversion rate optimization is the implementation of strategies for users to complete desired actions.
  • The different stages you can implement conversion rate strategies are during a free trial, on blogs, landing pages, pricing pages, and the homepage.
  • During a free trial, personalize the user journey so that the user experiences value faster, increasing chances of converting.
  • Use onboarding data to find active customers’ core features and add them to free trials.
  • A/B testing is perfect for experimenting with different onboarding flows to find a winning version with the best conversion rate.
  • Use FOMO to increase conversions.
  • Collect user feedback from free users with in-app surveys to improve the customer experience for other free trial customers.
  • Use conversion funnel analysis to improve areas in the customer journey with high drop-off points.
  • Include customer testimonials on landing pages to build customer trust and increase the conversion likelihood.
  • Ensure your value proposition is clear on your landing page so customers can understand the value you will provide.
  • Understand your customer needs and highlight your solutions to these on the landing page to attract the right customers.
  • Make the pricing on the pricing page as transparent as possible.
  • Allow customer to adjust their plans based on their needs to help increase site visitor conversions.
  • Use funnel report insights to fine-tune users’ journey from one stage to another.
  • Prevent churn via path analysis to optimize areas where users drop off.
  • Track user retention to identify trends over time and determine what stages need improvement.
  • Userpilot can help you gather insights via conversion funnel reports and path analysis to help improve conversion rates. Book a demo now!

What is conversion rate optimization and why does it matter?

Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO) is a crucial strategy for enhancing your website’s effectiveness. It’s about understanding your visitors’ behavior and refining your site to encourage more of them to take desired actions, like making a purchase, signing up for a newsletter, or filling out a contact form.

CRO lets you get more value from your existing audience. By optimizing your site, you’re not just attracting traffic—you’re converting more of that traffic into active, engaged customers. This leads to better customer satisfaction, increased revenue, and a stronger online presence for your brand.

Different stages to implement conversion rate optimization (CRO) strategy

Conversion Rate Optimization is an ongoing process, not a one-time task. It involves continuous testing and refinement across different stages of your website.

Here’s how you can implement CRO effectively at various stages:

  • Free Trial: This is often the first real interaction a potential customer has with your product. Optimize your free trial sign-up process to be simple and compelling. Highlight the benefits of the trial clearly and ensure the sign-up form is user-friendly.
  • Blogs: Use engaging, valuable content to draw readers in. Optimize blog posts with clear calls-to-action (CTAs) that lead readers to relevant product pages or contact forms.
  • Landing Pages: Each landing page should focus on a single objective with a clear CTA. Use persuasive copy and impactful design elements to guide visitors toward making a decision.
  • Pricing Page: Ensure your pricing page is clear and transparent and offers comparative insights into different plans or products. Simplify the decision-making process for the visitor with easy-to-understand pricing structures.
  • Homepage: Often the first page a visitor lands on, your homepage should encapsulate your brand’s value proposition. It should be welcoming and informative, and guide visitors naturally towards areas of interest, be it product information, contact details, or special offers.

Free trial conversion optimization best practices

Optimizing your free trial is a pivotal step in conversion rate optimization. It’s where potential customers first interact with your product, and their experience here can significantly impact their decision to become paying customers.

Below are best practices for optimizing this crucial stage.

Personalize the customer journey for new users

Collect data to segment users and trigger onboarding experiences tailored to their needs. This approach ensures users experience value quickly, increasing the likelihood of conversion.

Personalized journeys cater to individual user preferences, fostering a connection that can lead to higher rates.

During the onboarding flow when signing up for Notion, they present three options via a welcome survey to gather data into what the users use Notion for.

Notion welcome surveys for conversion rate optimization best practices
Notion’s welcome survey.

That data can then be used to personalize the user journey to display the right content that will resonate with the users’ needs, helping to increase conversions.

Notion's personalized customer quotes, a conversion rate optimization best practices
Notion’s personalized dashboard.

Find the right balance of product features included in your free trial

Striking the right balance in the feature set of your free trial is essential for optimal user engagement and conversion.

If your trial offers too few features, customers might not perceive enough value in your product, which could lead them to look elsewhere for solutions.

On the other hand, bombarding users with too many features right from the start can be overwhelming, leading to a complicated and confusing user experience. This complexity can result in user frustration and, ultimately, churn.

To find this balance, it’s crucial to analyze your onboarding data meticulously. Look into which features your active users most frequently use and value.

These core features are likely the ones that provide the most immediate and tangible benefits to your users.

By including these in your free trial, you can showcase the essential functionalities of your product that are most likely to meet users’ needs and spark their interest.

Achieving this balance is key to converting trial users into paying ones, as it effectively showcases your product’s strong value proposition while ensuring a smooth and enjoyable user experience.

An example of feature tracking in Userpilot, a conversion rate optimization best practices
Track feature usage with Userpilot.

Test different versions of the onboarding flow to see which can improve your conversion efforts

Conducting tests on small user groups is a strategic approach to identify which onboarding flow or user journey leads to higher rates.

By focusing on a subset of users, you can experiment with different flows without impacting the entire user base.

Once you determine which flow is most effective, you can confidently apply this optimized process to all free users, enhancing their experience and increasing the likelihood of conversion.

To facilitate these tests, employing A/B testing and multivariate testing tools is highly beneficial.

A/B testing involves comparing two versions of a webpage or app flow to see which one performs better, while multivariate testing allows for the examination of multiple variables simultaneously.

This comprehensive approach ensures that you’re not just guessing what works best but making informed decisions based on user data.

This could include monitoring sign-ups, feature usage, or any other key performance indicator relevant to your business.

The option to start A/B testing within Userpilot, conversion rate optimization best practices
Create A/B testing with Userpilot.

Trigger FOMO by reminding users about the free trial expiration

To leverage the fear of missing out (FOMO) and encourage users to convert from free trials to paying subscriptions, it’s important to remind them about their trial’s expiration.

Implementing this strategy involves setting up automated reminders triggered at strategic intervals during the trial.

In-app notifications can subtly alert users to the trial expiration while they are actively engaged with your service. Email notifications can provide more detailed information and serve as a direct call to action, reaching users who may not be currently using the app but are still interested.

Personalization is crucial, as tailoring messages to individual user experiences, especially highlighting the features they use or find valuable, can encourage conversion.

Emphasizing the limited time remaining in the trial and the benefits missed if they don’t upgrade can create a sense of urgency, prompting quicker decision-making. Each reminder should include a clear, concise call to action that guides users on proceeding with the subscription.

An example of an in-app notification, conversion rate optimization best practices
Userpilot’s in-app notification example.

Collect user feedback and improve the free trial process based on that

Collect and analyze feedback from free trial users to identify and address any loopholes in your trial experience. You can collect this customer feedback via in-app surveys.

Act on this feedback to enhance the experience for future users. For example, if users find a specific feature confusing or unnecessary, consider revising or removing it.

An animation showing a means to leave feedback, conversion rate optimization best practices
Collect customer feedback with Userpilot.

Track user behavior and identify drop-off points with conversion path analysis

Use conversion funnel analysis to track user behavior and identify where users drop off. This analysis provides insights into the user journey, helping you identify friction points and their causes.

Understanding these elements allows for targeted improvements in the trial process, enhancing user experience and increasing conversion chances.

An example of a funnel report from Userpilot
Create funnel reports with Userpilot.

Landing page best practices to increase conversion rates

Landing pages are more than just a part of your website—it’s a crucial tool for converting visitors into customers. The effectiveness of them can have a significant impact on your rates. Below are best practices to optimize your landing pages for higher conversions.

Use customer testimonials to build user trust and boost conversions

Trust is a key factor in convincing visitors to convert. Displaying testimonials, industry awards, noteworthy clients, and trusted partners can significantly enhance trust in your product.

Ensure that the social proof aligns closely with your presenting features and benefits, making it more effective.

Testimonials that resonate with your target audience’s needs and experiences are compelling in boosting conversions.

An example of a customer testimonial from Loom
An example of a testimonial from Loom.

Define your value proposition right away

Capture visitors’ attention immediately by clearly defining your value proposition.

Since website visitors often have short attention spans, your landing page’s hero section must contain a strong headline and descriptive paragraph detailing your product’s value.

For instance, Hootsuite effectively introduces its product and its capabilities in the very first heading, compelling visitors to engage further and consider a 30-day trial.

A clear value proposition example on Hootsuite's website
A clear value proposition on the Hootsuite homepage.

Pin down user needs to attract your target audience

Understanding and addressing your target audience’s needs is vital. Consider how they find your website, their expectations, and their pain points.

Your landing page design should be user-first, highlighting the needs of your prospects and presenting your product as the solution.

By directly addressing your audience’s problems, you can create compelling and persuasive pages that encourage conversions and online sales.

Trello example of understanding its target audience
Trello uses the right message for a target audience.

Pricing page best practices to boost conversion rate optimization

Your pricing page is more than a list of costs—it’s a strategic tool for communicating value and guiding customers to purchase.

Consider these best practices to optimize your pricing page for higher conversion rates.

Show clear pricing tiers without hidden fees

Transparency in pricing is crucial for building trust. Avoid hidden fees and communicate the total cost on your pricing pages.

This transparency helps prevent customer frustration or backlash.

A clear, straightforward pricing structure makes it easier for customers to understand the value they’re getting, leading to more informed and confident purchasing decisions.

An example of a clear pricing page from Userpilot
A transparent pricing page from Userpilot.

Offer customization options to increase conversions

Flexibility in pricing can be a significant draw for potential customers. Allow prospects to adjust plans based on their needs.

This could be through a pricing slider that lets them set a price based on predicted usage or offering a pay-as-you-go pricing strategy to reduce the barrier to entry.

Usage-based pricing models can encourage users to upgrade their subscriptions as their needs expand organically, increasing customer satisfaction and retention.

An example of a usage-based pricing page
Example of a usage-based pricing page.

Highlight the CTAs to attract more conversions

CTAs (Call-To-Actions) are the gateways to conversion on your pricing page.

Encourage leads to take the next step, whether signing up for a free trial, opting for a freemium plan, or making their first purchase.

Make your CTAs prominent in size, color, or placement.

A well-designed and strategically placed CTA button, especially important for improving your e-commerce conversion rate, can significantly increase conversion rates by drawing the user’s attention and guiding them toward the next step in their user journey.

Loom's pricing page with attractive CTAs
Bold CTAs from Loom.

How to use an analytics tool to implement conversion rate optimization best practices

Analytics tools are essential for implementing effective Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO) strategies. They provide deep insights into visitor behavior, preferences, and pain points, allowing for data-driven decisions.

Here’s how you can leverage analytics tools for CRO best practices.

Use funnel reports to see how free trial users progress from one stage to another

Funnel reports are invaluable for understanding how users move through your free trial.

Tools like Userpilot can show the percentage of users progressing through different stages, like specific pages or actions.

These reports offer detailed insights, such as the time users take to complete each step, helping you identify areas for improvement.

You can also set parameters to filter out outliers, ensuring a clear focus on typical user behaviors.

An example of a funnel report from Userpilot
View funnel reports with Userpilot.

Analyze and prevent churn with path analysis

Path analysis helps identify where users drop off and why.

By analyzing feature tags and exit surveys, you can gain insights into the reasons behind churn.

For example, if users consistently leave after encountering a particular feature, this might indicate a need for improvement or better user guidance.

Addressing these issues can optimize the user journey for at-risk customers, reducing churn.

An example of a path analysis created in Userpilot
View path analysis in Userpilot.

Enhance app experiences through intuitive flow analytics

Flow analytics provide detailed insights into user interactions at each step of your app’s experience.

This level of detail helps understand how users engage with specific elements, like in-app messages, during onboarding.

By identifying which steps users complete and where they drop off, you can refine these experiences to be more engaging and effective.

An example of flow analytics available in Userpilot
Get detailed insights with path analysis with Userpilot.

Track and analyze user retention trends over time

Retention analysis is crucial for understanding how well your app retains users over time.

Analyzing trends over various time frames, such as 7, 30, or 180 days, gives a comprehensive view of user engagement and loyalty.

Cohort analysis further segments users, allowing for more targeted insights into how different groups interact with your app.

An example of retention analysis with Userpilot
Analyse retention analysis with Userpilot.


Implementing conversion rate optimization practices can make a massive difference in your SaaS.

One of the key things to ensure you are heading in the right direction is to get the insights to see what’s working and what needs improving.

Want to apply conversion rate optimization best practices in your SaaS? Get a Userpilot Demo and see how you can increase conversions over the key pages on your SaaS.

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