8 Customer-Led Marketing Examples to Inspire Your Strategy

8 Customer-Led Marketing Examples to Inspire Your Strategy cover

Looking for real-life customer-led marketing examples that worked to get inspiration for your own campaigns?

Then keep reading! You’ve probably had enough theories already, so this article cuts to the chase to show you examples from top brands that are killing it with this approach.

For each example, we’ll explore why it works and lessons that can help improve your marketing strategy.


  • Customer-led marketing is a strategy that puts the customer at the center of all marketing efforts, making their pain points, behaviors, and feedback the driving force behind decisions.
  • Solid customer-led marketing will boost your demand generation efforts, increase customer value, and ultimately help you drive customer success.

Some of the best customer-centric marketing examples include:

  1. Dropbox uses a referral program to drive loyalty and word-of-mouth.
  2. Calendly includes its customers in growth loops.
  3. Slack showcases value proposition with a fun sketch featuring its customers.
  4. Userpilot shares social proof to drive customer-led growth.
  5. HubSpot gives a platform to its customers at Inbound conference.
  6. Userpilot created a digital community to encourage peer-to-peer support.
  7. Starbucks launched the “My Idea” platform for continuous innovation and growth.
  8. Spotify encourages customer-led growth through its “Spotify Wrapped” campaign.

Userpilot offers different features for executing a customer-led marketing strategy, such as:

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What is customer-led marketing?

Customer-led marketing is a strategy that places the customer at the heart of every marketing activity, with the purpose of building relationships and turning customers into advocates.

It achieves this by collecting customer data via different methods and using it to tailor the messaging, product development, and engagement strategies to resonate with customer pain points.

8 Best customer-led marketing examples to inspire you

So, what does customer-led marketing look like in real life? You’re free to be as creative as you want to be, but ensure the core principle remains the same: put the customer first.

This section will show you some practical examples:

1. Dropbox uses a referral program to drive customer loyalty and word-of-mouth

Dropbox’s customers are interested in only one thing: getting enough cloud storage for their files. To help customers achieve their objectives more easily, the company rolled out a loyalty program that rewards users for inviting others to the platform.

Customers could get as much as 16GB of extra storage completely free because they referred others.

This increased their motivation and turned many into loyal brand advocates, driving word-of-mouth referrals for the business.

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Dropbox’s customer-led product strategy.

2. Calendly includes its customers in growth loops

Calendly’s growth strategy is intrinsically tied to its user experience.

Every scheduling invite sent acts as a mini customer-led advertisement that showcases the platform’s simplicity and professionalism to potential new users.

Invitees can effortlessly join the meetings without needing any guidance, leaving them impressed by the seamless experience. This positive first-time user experience often leads them to adopt Calendly, creating a viral growth loop that continuously attracts new users.

Calendly creates viral loops around its product.

3. Slack showcases value proposition with a fun sketch featuring its customers

One of the earliest Slack marketing campaigns was a video featuring how its customers at Sandwich use the app for team communication.

The video “So Yeah, We Tried Slack…” is set in a bustling office environment filled with relatable personalities: the overwhelmed manager, distracted employees, and a tech-savvy team member who introduces Slack.

The script unfolds in a playful documentary style, depicting daily communication chaos—missed emails, overloaded meetings, and lost files.

As each character interacts with Slack, we see practical demonstrations of its features like channels, message threading, and integrations.

The employees’ frustrations transform into productive collaboration, illustrating Slack’s real-world impact through witty dialogue and engaging office scenarios.

Example of Slack’s customer-led strategy.

4. Userpilot shares the stories of successful customers in case studies

Userpilot interviews its successful customers regularly and formulates case studies to showcase real-world examples of how companies have effectively used the platform to achieve specific goals.

Case studies usually highlight challenges faced by the customers, the tailored solutions implemented using Userpilot, and the measurable outcomes achieved, such as increased feature adoption or improved user engagement rates.

This narrative approach builds credibility, helps potential clients envision similar success, and humanizes the brand by focusing on authentic, relatable experiences, making Userpilot’s value proposition more tangible and persuasive.

For example, seeing the image below alone, anyone interested in boosting user activation will want to click and know how Attention Insight improved activation by 47% with Userpilot.

Explore other Userpilot’s case studies.

5. HubSpot gives a platform to its customers at Inbound conference

HubSpot’s INBOUND conference is an annual event that brings together professionals in marketing, sales, customer service, and related fields.

One of the event’s most important highlights is when HubSpot customers share their success stories and show others how to achieve similar results using the tool.

By spotlighting their customers, HubSpot lets the results speak for themselves. Imagine hearing firsthand how a small business owner skyrocketed their leads or how a seasoned marketer revamped their entire product strategy with HubSpot’s tools.

These relatable narratives resonate with the audience and inspire them to envision their own triumphs.

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HubSpot’s INBOUND.

6. Userpilot created a digital community to encourage peer-to-peer support

Recently, more and more companies are embracing this new approach called community-driven engagement, which includes elements like peer-to-peer support, user-generated content, and contact feedback loops.

Recognizing the value of a community, Userpilot created a collaborative space on a Facebook group that brings together growth marketing professionals from different walks of life to share their best use cases, help each other troubleshoot, discuss new feature releases, and so on.

This approach makes users feel more connected and supported, which enhances their overall experience with the product.

The community also enhances the product’s value by acting as an extension of Userpilot’s offerings. Additionally, as users engage and provide feedback, the company can identify common challenges and improvement opportunities, allowing the product to evolve in line with real user needs.

Join other product marketing geeks.

7. Starbucks launched the “My Idea” platform for continuous innovation

Launched in 2008, Starbucks’ “My Idea” platform was a digital suggestion box that allowed customers to submit ideas for new products, services, and experience improvements.

Before retiring in 2018, the platform generated over 150,000 ideas and led to impactful changes like:

  • The introduction of the iconic Pumpkin Spice Latte.
  • Free Wi-Fi in Starbucks stores globally.
  • The development of a convenient mobile ordering app.

More importantly, the program made customers feel heard and valued, which in turn contributed to word-of-mouth referrals and increased customer retention.

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Starbucks’ “My Idea” platform.

8. Spotify encourages UGC through its “Spotify Wrapped” campaign

At the end of each year, Spotify curates a personalized “Wrapped” experience for each user that showcases their top artists, songs, genres, and listening habits throughout the year.

The company presents this data-driven summary in an engaging, visually appealing format that is designed to be easily shared on social media.

When users post their personalized summaries on social media, they essentially become brand advocates for Spotify. Here’s why:

  • Social buzz: Wrapped generates massive online buzz as millions of users excitedly share their musical year in review. This widespread sharing significantly increases Spotify’s brand visibility and reach.
  • FOMO (Fear of Missing Out): Seeing friends and family sharing their Wrapped experiences can create a sense of FOMO among non-users, prompting them to sign up or reactivate their accounts to experience the personalized feature for themselves. It’s not uncommon to find infrequent or new users on Reddit and Twitter asking how to generate their shareable Wrapped.
  • Authentic endorsement: User-shared Wrapped posts serve as authentic endorsements for Spotify. The fact that they are not company-crafted advertisements makes people want to engage more.
  • Data-driven storytelling: The Wrapped campaign transforms raw user data into a compelling story. This emotional connection strengthens customer loyalty and encourages further engagement with the platform.
What Spotify Wrapped looks like.

How to implement a customer-led growth strategy with Userpilot

Feeling your creative juices rolling? Here’s how Userpilot can help turn your ideas into a powerful customer-led growth strategy:

Understand customer journey with event analytics

The first step is to clearly understand how users engage with your product—the steps they take, the features they use, and what they enjoy most.

You can uncover all that with Userpilot’s event analytics feature. There are two approaches (and you can combine both):

  • Create custom events to track specific user flows.
  • Turn on Userpilot’s auto-capture feature to automatically record user clicks, text inputs, and form fills.
Conduct customer journey analytics with Userpilot.

You can go a step further by labeling the auto-tracked events and creating analytics reports like funnels, paths, trends, or cohort analysis for easier interpretation.

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Auto-tracked events in Userpilot.

Collect customer insights with different in-app surveys

Understanding customer needs, pain points, and interests lets you create marketing strategies that resonate with them and drive long-term growth.

You can achieve this by utilizing Userpilot to create surveys that help you hear directly from the horse’s mouth.

This can be as simple as a quick CES survey to collect quantitative customer insights or more in-depth CSAT and NPS surveys that let you gather qualitative data.

Create customer feedback surveys code-free with Userpilot.

Identify your promoters and drive WoM marketing

After sending NPS surveys, Userpilot lets you create a ‘promoters segment’ based on the responses (promoters are people who rate your brand a 9/10 or 10/10, meaning they totally love your product and will happily advocate for it).

NPS segmentation in Userpilot.

After segmenting them, utilize Userpilot to trigger a modal like the one below that asks them to leave a review and help you drive word-of-mouth marketing.

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Modal created with Userpilot.


A customer-led approach to marketing isn’t just a trend; it’s the future of successful brand building. By telling customer stories and empowering existing customers to become advocates and co-creators, your business can maximize the power of genuine enthusiasm to drive growth.

Feeling inspired by the customer-led marketing examples discussed and ready to create yours? Book a demo to see how Userpilot can help!

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