UserGuiding vs Userlane: Which is Better for Customer Feedback?

UserGuiding vs Userlane: Which is Better for Customer Feedback?

Is UserGuiding or Userlane the best tool for customer feedback? And is there a better software that would better fit your needs?

With so many alternatives on review sites, it’s a bit tricky to really choose one.

It would be best to consider your priorities and the functionalities you’ll need from the tool to get the job done. Then there’s also the price that needs to match your budget. Right?

In this post, we’ll discuss exactly what the perfect tool for performing customer feedback should deliver and which will be the best choice for your company’s needs.

Let’s dive in!


  • Let’s explore how UserGuiding and Userlane compare when it comes to collecting customer feedback.
    • UserGuiding is a no-code product adoption tool that lets users create in-app walkthroughs, guides, and checklists. The solution makes it possible for teams to onboard, engage, and retain users without needing coding skills to create these in-app experiences.
    • Userlane is a no-code digital adoption platform used to measure how employees use applications, identify areas for improvement, and offer real-time guidance directly within any application.
  • Considering functionalities and value for money, Userpilot is a better choice when it comes to collecting customer feedback. With features such as NPS surveys, in-app surveys, and survey analytics, it can help you with collecting and analyzing customer insights without coding.
  • Get a Userpilot demo and drive your product growth code-free.

Try Userpilot for Collecting and Analyzing Customer Feedback

What is customer feedback?

Customer feedback is important if you want to truly serve your customers and come up with solutions that can solve their pain points.

Here is why customer feedback matters:

  • Understand whether customers see value in your product and if it meets their needs.
  • Uncover weak spots of your product and bottlenecks that disturb the customer journey.
  • Make your customers voices heard and acknowledge them that they are important to you.
  • Collect real-time insights on the go as you’re introducing new features or product updates.

Must have features for customer feedback tools

On the lookout to find the best customer feedback tools? We’ve curated a list of the best tools that are trustworthy:

  • Userpilot: best customer feedback tool for creating NPS surveys without Userpilot branding and with NPS tagging capability.
  • Appcues: best customer feedback tool for creating mobile surveys.
  • UserGuiding: best customer feedback tool for creating different types of microsurveys.
  • Pendo: best customer feedback tool for feedback analytics.
  • Chameleon: best customer feedback tool for contextual in-product feedback.

Let’s dive deeper into how each stacks up for different company sizes, budgets, and jobs to be done!

UserGuiding for customer feedback

UserGuiding’s recently-added surveys feature does make it possible to collect user feedback. However, that’s the extent of user feedback capabilities that you’ll be able to get within the UserGuiding toolkit.

Here are a few pros and cons of UserGuiding’s survey feature:

  • Build NPS surveys without writing a single line of code.
  • Adjust the thank you page and add a follow-up question to gather qualitative data and understand the reasons behind the scores.
  • Customize the button texts, colors, and designs to match your brand.
  • Set up custom audiences, segments, timing, and targeting rules to trigger the surveys.
  • Templates: Collecting user feedback can be pretty quick with UserGuiding, thanks to its template gallery. If you select one of the six templates, then you could have a new survey up and running in less than a minute (but it may need some tweaking further down the line).
  • Those on the Basic version of UserGuiding will only be able to have one survey active at a time which means you won’t be able to have multiple single-purpose surveys in your app, unless you upgrade your subscription.
  • UserGuiding survey analytics are quite limited as they only show you total views and total responses rather than the number of views/responses for a specific date range.
  • The survey builder on UserGuiding is quite intuitive as it lets you add new questions with a simple dropdown menu of various question types.

NPS surveys in UserGuiding

The Net Promoter Score is a highly-reliable metric for customer satisfaction and brand advocacy, which is why UserGuiding has a template for this use case. However, there are some limitations you need to be aware of when using UserGuiding to gather NPS data:

  • NPS Analytics: UserGuiding automatically calculates the percentage of promoters, detractors, and neutrals so you can gauge customer sentiment at a glance.

  • Survey Analytics: Unlike the other metrics, survey analytics aren’t readily available on the UserGuiding home dashboard. Furthermore, they only show you the total views and responses for a survey instead of letting you choose a specific data range to analyze.
  • Survey Limitations: Because users on the Basic plan are only allowed to have one survey active at a time, running an NPS survey all the time will prevent you from creating additional surveys (unless you deactivate it or upgrade your subscription).

In-app surveys in UserGuiding

While UserGuiding didn’t launch with surveys as a feature, it was added later in the product development cycle and is available to users on all pricing tiers. In-app surveys tend to have higher response rates and offer more accurate insights into the customer experience than email surveys.

Here are a few pros and cons of UserGuiding surveys:

  • Templates: There are six survey templates to choose from, covering the areas of feature feedback, support, NPS, churn, and feature requests.

  • Analytics: UserGuiding does offer survey analytics as a part of its platform, but it’s not visible on the home dashboard and doesn’t show you the number of views/responses for specific periods.
  • Limitations: Users on the Basic plan can only have one active survey at a time, while those on the Professional plan can have three active.

Userlane for customer feedback

Userlane enables teams to collect user feedback and enhance product experiences through basic survey functionality. While their primary focus is on interactions, you can also gather feedback.

However, it might be challenging to track and analyze the data since it is not their core use case.

You might want to consider alternatives like Userpilot and WalkMe for collecting user feedback.

NPS surveys in Userlane

Userlane provides you with the tools to set up and automate your NPS. With it, you can target a specific user group with the survey.

Let’s take a look at some of the features of Userlane that’ll improve your NPS surveys:

  • NPS will run in cycles until you deactivate it or until the end date is reached. With Userlane, you activate a single NPS survey displayed in predefined cycles. The NPS survey is hidden from users once they respond to it. These users will be targeted automatically again in the new cycle.
  • Automatic reminder system: NPS will remain in the announcement list in the Userlane Assistant if a user has not responded yet. You can set up a reminder with the desired frequency to nudge these users so the NPS pop-up is displayed for them again.

In addition to collecting feedback through NPS surveys, tools like Userpilot can help you target different in-app experiences to address different user segments, either to collect more feedback or offer help.

In-app surveys in Userlane

Product teams use in-app surveys to conduct user research, personalize user experience, assess satisfaction levels, measure customer loyalty, identify new feature ideas, and better understand user behavior.

  • With the new emoji-based scale, survey participants can easily provide feedback by selecting one of five emojis representing different sentiments. The leftmost emoji corresponds to the lowest rating and the rightmost to the highest. This user-friendly, easy-to-use system allows quick responses, encouraging engagement and a high participation rate.
  • You can translate the survey into other languages by switching the language.
  • You can decide who should participate in the survey by setting up a dedicated user segment. Select a page segment to display it on specific pages only. You can also specify the activation date of the survey and how often you want to send reminders to users who haven’t responded to it yet.

There are other comprehensive features that Userlane does not possess, for example, with Userpilot’s heatmaps and event analytics you can gain insights into users’ behavior compared to Userlane. This could reveal that some users don’t engage with the right features for their use cases, which translates into poor survey results.

Pros and cons of UserGuiding

You might need an alternative solution to UserGuiding if you fall into any of the following use cases:

  • Advanced analytics: If you’re looking for a product adoption platform with full-suite native analytics then you’ll likely need to look at platforms like Userpilot or Appcues that are better suited to your needs.
  • Create fully interactive product tours: While UserGuiding excels in creating in-app experiences and user guides, it may not offer the breadth of tools needed to fully support a comprehensive product adoption strategy.
  • Build segments completely code-free: As segmentation features aren’t very intuitive and may require additional help from a developer.

Pros of UserGuiding

UserGuiding has quite a few benefits as a product adoption solution, particularly for early-stage SaaS companies that need an easy-to-use starter tool for their small (but growing) team of product developers or marketers. Let’s look at some of the pros that UserGuiding has to offer:

  • Chrome extension – UserGuiding utilizes a no-code Chrome extension.
  • Survey template gallery – UserGuiding lets you choose from six survey templates or create your own survey from scratch.
  • Analytics dashboard – users can see their monthly active users (MAUs) for the month, monitor the number of views their guides are getting, and see how many interactions checklists or resource centers have had in the past week from the UserGuiding homepage.
  • Custom themes – granular theme customization and color selection.
  • Easy onboarding – onboarding checklist walks you through key steps, such as how to get the UserGuiding Chrome extension and create your first guide.

Cons of UserGuiding

While there are quite a few benefits to using UserGuiding, there are three significant drawbacks to note:

  • Dashboard customization – you can’t edit your home dashboard or choose which analytics you want to see.
  • Pricing jumps – upgrading from Basic (2,500 MAUs) to Professional (20,000 MAUs) increases your subscription cost by more than 4x.
  • Manual localization – UserGuiding doesn’t have AI-powered localization, so you’ll need to manually download, translate, and upload every CSV when attempting to localize content for your product.
  • HubSpot integration – the UserGuiding-HubSpot integration is only a one-way integration which limits its functionality and prevents you from setting up two-way data synchronization between both platforms.
  • Limited analytics – the analytics dashboard only shows you data for onboarding materials created with UserGuiding and even those analytics are quite limited as surveys only show you total responses rather than letting you select a date range.
  • Survey limit – you can only have one active survey on the Basic plan which is disappointing considering UserGuiding costs over $1,000 annually (whereas Userpilot lets you create unlimited surveys and collect up to 250 responses per month on the cheapest plan).

Pros and cons of Userlane

While Userlane is undoubtedly powerful, certain scenarios might necessitate exploring alternatives.

  • Extensive Third-party Integrations: While Userlane offers some key integrations if your business heavily relies on a diverse range of third-party tools and you need a seamless, in-depth integration for all of them, you might want to explore platforms like Pendo or Mixpanel that offer broader integration ecosystems.
  • Budget Constraints: While Userlane offers a plethora of features suitable for established enterprises or growing companies, it might be beyond the reach of early-stage startups with limited funds. If you’re on a strict budget and looking for a more affordable solution, platforms like UserGuiding, Intercom, or Intro.js might be more aligned with your financial constraints.
  • Complex Customization Needs: If your platform requires highly specialized or intricate onboarding experiences that go beyond standard walkthroughs and tooltips, you might find Userlane’s customization options a bit restrictive. In such cases, tools like WalkMe or Appcues, known for their deep customization capabilities, might be a better fit.

Pros of Userlane

Higher productivity, less support effort, and happier users are what Userlane is created for. From a vast spectrum of capabilities to elegantly crafted UI elements that cater to any walkthrough, regardless of its level of customization, Userlane stands out as a robust platform to bolster user engagement and product familiarization.

Let’s dive into the pros of using Userlane:

  • Streamlined no-code interface: Userlane boasts a user-friendly dashboard, enabling even those with no coding background to easily design and implement onboarding flows.
  • Product adoption analytics: Get a real-time view of digital transformation progress in your organization. Delve deeper into user behaviors across different applications and analyze engagement levels so you can optimize user experiences.
  • Dynamic user walkthroughs: Craft compelling and interactive walkthroughs that intuitively guide users through your software, ensuring they grasp every essential feature.
  • Versatile in-app communication tools: Whether tooltips, banners, or pop-up modals, Userlane offers many tools to engage users directly within your platform. With Userlane’s customer onboarding solution, you can tailor communications for different user segments, guiding them through the tasks and processes they will most likely need help with.
  • Seamless third-party integrations: Integrate Userlane with various analytics tools, CRM platforms, and other essential software to ensure a harmonious workflow and data sharing.
  • Granular audience segmentation: Understand your users and their needs better by segmenting them based on behavior, user type, or other customizable metrics. This ensures that your messaging and tours are always relevant and timely.
  • Optimized A/B testing capabilities: Refine your onboarding and in-app messaging by A/B testing different approaches, enabling you to continually enhance user experience based on concrete data.
  • Thoughtful pacing with walkthrough rate limiting: Ensure users aren’t too quickly bombarded with too much information. With Userlane’s rate limiting, you can pace the introduction of new features or tasks, striking a balance between informing and overwhelming.

Cons of Userlane

As with any tool, weighing its strengths and weaknesses is essential. Here are the notable drawbacks of adopting Userlane:

  • Visual Customization Restrictions: One of Userlane’s apparent setbacks lies in its restricted visual customization capabilities. If you have an eye for aesthetic and unique branding elements might find the platform limiting. The lack of diverse templates and somewhat rigid design elements could impede brands from truly reflecting their identity.
  • Analytical Ambiguities: In the age of data-driven decision-making, Userlane’s analytical powers — or the lack thereof — stand out. While it offers basic insights, those looking for a deep dive into granular user behavior, funnel analysis, heatmaps, and more might need to bridge the gap with external integrations.
  • Integration Quandaries: Speaking of integrations, Userlane might not be the Swiss Army knife of connectivity that some businesses might be hoping for. While essentials like Zendesk, Google Analytics, Hubspot, and Salesforce are on the list, those yearning for a wider array of integration options might need to strategize around these limitations.
  • Cost Considerations: Userlane’s pricing structure could be a roadblock, especially for startups and SMEs keen on budget constraints. The initial investment for Userlane might seem daunting, especially considering the added costs of potential integrations and the learning curve associated with maximizing the platform’s potential.

Userpilot – A Better Alternative for Collecting Customer Feedback

UserGuiding vs Userlane: Which one fits your budget?

Understanding the cost implications is paramount when selecting the right solution for customer feedback, so here’s a detailed pricing comparison of UserGuiding and Userlane.

Pricing of UserGuiding

UserGuiding has three plans to choose from, targeted towards a range of business sizes from startup to enterprise.

Here are UserGuiding’s specific pricing details:

  • Basic: Costing $129/month, the Basic plan is targeted towards startups and SMBs. The Basic plan is quite limited as it caps your account at one active survey, two active checklists, and no more than 2,500 MAUs. Features include:
    • Access to user identification features.
    • Integrations with Google Analytics, HubSpot, Intercom, and more.
    • Email and chat support.
    • Customizable theme (only one).
  • Professional: The Professional plan costs almost 4x as much as the Basic tier at $499/month. That said, it significantly increases capacity to 20,000 MAUs and improves the quality of customer support you’ll receive. Features include:
    • Removal of UserGuiding branding.
    • Language localization.
    • Full customer support access.
    • Five team member seats.
    • Five customizable themes.
    • Unlimited guides and checklists.
  • Corporate: Subscriptions on the Corporate plan start at $999/month. Of course, this higher price does come with its fair share of enterprise perks. Features include:
    • Service Level Agreement (SLA) + Data Processing Agreement (DPA).
    • Up to 10 active surveys.
    • Custom MAU capacity based on your needs.
    • Unlimited team member seats.
    • Unlimited customizable themes.

All monthly plans are marked down by 30% when customers choose to bill annually.

Pricing of Userlane

Userlane’s pricing plan is structured in a customizable pattern. This means you need to get a custom quote to know the plan that fits your brand’s purpose based on the level of your SaaS and the number of acquired customers.

Userpilot – A better alternative for customer feedback

User feedback is an essential part of listening to the Voice of the Customer (VoC) and making product development or marketing decisions that best suit your customer base. Userpilot has a no-code survey builder, 14 templates to choose from, and advanced analytics for extracting insights.

Here are the Userpilot features you can use to collect customer feedback and analyze it:

  • Survey builder: Userpilot’s survey builder lets you edit the content, update the widget’s style/placement, and set page-specific or event-specific triggers to ensure that users see the survey at the most contextual moment — all without writing a single line of code. You can also translate surveys into your audience’s native language.feature research survey
  • Survey templates: There are 14 survey templates to choose from with a wide array of different use cases. You can collect qualitative responses on how to improve the user/product experience or quantitative data for customer satisfaction benchmarking, such as CSAT and CES scores.
  • Advanced analytics: Userpilot’s advanced survey analytics will show you what the most common responses were, what percentage of users selected a specific option, and display open-ended feedback about your product or specific features.

    Survey analysis in Userpilot.

  • NPS dashboard: Userpilot’s NPS dashboard compiles response data from all NPS surveys so you don’t have to manually go into each survey and check its analytics. You’ll be able to view key metrics like response rates, total views, and NPS history and sort all the data by different segments.
    NPS dashboard

    NPS dashboard in Userpilot.

  • NPS response tags: Userpilot comes with NPS response tags that you can use to categorize qualitative NPS answers for analyzing purposes. You can use these tags to identify common issues among passives and detractors or find satisfaction drivers among promoters.
    NPS results

    NPS response tags.

NPS surveys in Userpilot

The Net Promoter Score (NPS) is a reliable measure of how satisfied customers are and how likely they are to recommend your product to others. Userpilot lets you build NPS surveys, analyze response data, and target specific user groups to gather actionable insights.

Here are the Userpilot features you can use when sending NPS surveys:

  • No-code builder: The survey builder lets you edit the content of your NPS surveys, style the widget to your liking, restrict surveys to specific pages/paths, and use AI-powered localization to change the language of your survey.NPS survey builder in Userpilot
  • Audience targeting: Userpilot’s audience targeting features let you choose which users to include in NPS surveys. You could set this to all users, select only me if you’re still in the testing stage, target a particular segment, or set conditions that must be met for a survey to appear.
    NPS survey audience settings

    Userpilot offers multiple options for delivering your NPS surveys to users.

  • Analytics dashboard: Userpilot’s dedicated NPS dashboard shows you all the key data gathered from your surveys. These include how many views your NPS surveys have gotten, the number of responses, the overall response rate, and how the score has been trending over time.
    NPS dashboard

    NPS dashboard in Userpilot.

  • NPS response tags: Userpilot comes with NPS response tags that you can use to categorize qualitative NPS answers for analyzing purposes. You can use these tags to identify common issues among passives and detractors or find satisfaction drivers among promoters.NPS results

In-app surveys in Userpilot

In-app surveys are an effective way to collect direct feedback from users without being at the whim of their email inboxes. Userpilot’s built-in functionality lets you create surveys, translate them, and track granular survey analytics that offers additional user insights.

Here are the Userpilot features you can use when building in-app surveys:

  • Survey templates: Userpilot’s no-code survey builder has 14 templates to choose from. These include NPS, CSAT, and CES surveys among others for collecting quantitative and qualitative feedback from users. You can add a series of questions to gather valuable insights.
  • Survey translation: Userpilot’s AI localization feature lets you translate surveys in a matter of minutes. All you need to do is add the desired locale and leave the rest to Userpilot. You can also make manual tweaks to translations if needed.survey localization with auto translate
  • Advanced analytics: Userpilot has detailed analytics that shows what percentage of users chose a specific option, summarizes the most popular choices, and lets you browse through open-ended responses to extract insights from qualitative feedback.

    Survey analysis in Userpilot.

Pricing of Userpilot

Userpilot’s transparent pricing ranges from $249/month on the entry-level end to an Enterprise tier for larger companies.

Furthermore, Userpilot’s entry-level plan includes access to all UI patterns and should include everything that most mid-market SaaS businesses need to get started.

userpilot pricing new april 2024
Userpilot has three paid plans to choose from:

  • Starter: The entry-level Starter plan starts at $249/month and includes features like segmentation, product analytics, reporting, user engagement, NPS feedback, and customization.
  • Growth: The Growth plan starts at $749/month and includes features like resource centers, advanced event-based triggers, unlimited feature tagging, AI-powered content localization, EU hosting options, and a dedicated customer success manager.
  • Enterprise: The Enterprise plan uses custom pricing and includes all the features from Starter + Growth plus custom roles/permissions, access to premium integrations, priority support, custom contract, SLA, SAML SSO, activity logs, security audit, and compliance (SOC 2/GDPR).

What do users say about Userpilot?

Most users laud Userpilot for its versatile feature set, ease of use, and responsive support team:

I recently had the pleasure of using Userpilot, and I must say it exceeded all my expectations. As a product manager, I’m always on the lookout for tools that can enhance user onboarding and improve overall user experience. Userpilot not only delivered on these fronts but also went above and beyond with its impressive new features, unparalleled ease of use, and truly exceptional customer support.

What truly sets Userpilot apart is its outstanding customer support. Throughout my journey with Userpilot, the support team has been responsive, knowledgeable, and genuinely dedicated to helping me succeed. Whenever I had a question or encountered an issue, their support team was always there to assist promptly, going above and beyond to ensure my concerns were addressed effectively.

Source: G2.

Of course, other users are also kind enough to share constructive criticism regarding specific features like event tracking filters:

“The filtration while analyzing specific events is a little confusing. Understanding of custom properties and data management configuration could have been more organised.”

Source: G2.


This is the end of our thorough comparison between UserGuiding and Userlane. You should be able to make a confident decision by now. If you’re looking for a solid tool for customer feedback that promises great value for money, give Userpilot a go. Book a demo today!

Try Userpilot for Collecting and Analyzing Customer Feedback

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