How to Build a Conversion Path: Step-by-Step Process

How to Build a Conversion Path: Step-by-Step Process cover

Wondering how to build a conversion path for your SaaS product or e-commerce site?

If so, you’re in the right place!

Our guide explains how to create effective conversion paths. We also share examples of different conversion paths and optimization strategies.

Let’s get to it!

How to build a conversion path (Short Summary)

  • A conversion path is a step-by-step process that guides prospects. From the moment they learn about the product until they complete a desired action, like a demo booking, and beyond.
  • A good conversion path makes the process frictionless. This improves customer experience and increases conversion rates. And strengthens the relationship with the customer.
  • Start creating conversion paths by defining their goals from the customer and business perspective.
  • Next, create user personas. Focus on their JTBDs, pain points, and gains from using your product.
  • To attract the right audience, create content that addresses their needs. Use multiple channels to promote it.
  • A high-converting landing page is tailored for a specific user persona. It’s optimized for mobile users, has a strong headline and CTA, and loads fast. Testimonials and videos improve conversion rates.
  • A thank-you page confirms the action was successful, outlines the next steps, and prompts the user to further action, like buying a complementary product.
  • Once the customer converts, stay in touch. Keep them updated about their order or provide additional support to help them maximize the product value.
  • Userpilot is a product growth platform. It helps create in-app experiences to optimize user conversions. Book the demo to find out more!

A conversion path is a sequence of steps the user has to complete to reach a goal, such as signing up for a free trial, booking a demo, or making a purchase.

A well-designed conversion path makes the buyer’s journey more intuitive. It enables them to make informed decisions by drawing their attention to the relevant information and prompting them to action.

From the business perspective, a good conversion path helps teams qualify leads, offer a better customer experience, and build stronger customer relationships. And most importantly, improve conversion rates.

How to create an effective conversion path

Ready to build a successful conversion path for your SaaS product? Follow our 6-step guide.

Define your goals

Creating a conversion path starts from the end: the goal you want your users to achieve. Is it booking the product demo? Buying your product? Signing up for a conference? Upgrading to a higher plan?

Once you have the overall destination, set a specific goal from your business perspective.

For example: ‘Increase free trial sign-ups by 3.4% by the end of May 2024.’

To create my goals, I use the SMART framework. The acronym stands for: Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time-bound.

Next, work your way backward, and outline the steps in the conversion path leading up to it.

SMART goal-setting framework
SMART goal-setting framework.

Define your target audience

Not all conversion paths are the same. How you guide users to the desired actions depends on who they are. Their needs, wants, and pain points. That’s why the next step is defining your user personas.

Here’s an example of a Userpilot user persona:

User persona example
User persona example.

Attract the right audience

Using the insights about your user personas, craft appealing content to attract them.

Prioritize middle- and bottom-of-the-funnel content, presenting your product as a solution to specific problems relevant to a particular user persona.

Here’s an example of our MOFU blog post about improving user activation. It tackles some general questions on the topic before sharing practical advice on how to use Userpilot to get the job done.

Userpilot blog post
Userpilot blog post.

SEO content is just one way to attract prospective customers. Others include PPC adverts, social media, or email marketing.

There’s no need to choose between different channels. Instead, use them together for maximum impact. For example, you run paid ads to drive traffic to your product-led blog posts.

Build high-converting landing pages for your website visitors

The landing page is the central touchpoint in the conversion path. Make sure it’s optimized for high conversions.

Here’s how:

Userpilot landing pages
Userpilot landing pages.

Create an effective thank you page

The thank you page appears when the user completes the desired action.

Using it to only say thanks is a waste of valuable real estate.

First, confirm that the action was successful. Not knowing if the purchase or booking went through can be pretty unnerving.

To fend off buyer’s remorse, often experienced after completing a purchase, add a testimonial or a list of known clients.

Next, outline the next steps and add a further CTA. For example: after the purchase, tell the user when your product will ship and include a button to the tracking page.

Follow up and nurture in the endpoint

The endpoint is the final destination in the conversion path. For example, that’s when they download the ebook or start the free trial.

Don’t leave your customers alone at this stage. Instead, use this stage to deepen the connection.

For example, if the customer buys an item, keep them up-to-date about its shipping status. If they sign up for a free trial, guide them to value with in-app experiences.

Examples of effective conversion paths

Before you start creating your conversion paths, have a look at a few examples that might inspire you.

Demo sign-up conversion path

Here’s how Attest, a market research platform, converts website visits into demo bookings.

Attest website
Attest website.

The website has 7 different landing pages for various use cases and roles.

Attest landing pages
Attest landing pages.

Each of them highlights the benefits of the product and features a simple CTA: ‘Book the demo.’

Attest landing page
Attest landing page.

The booking page lists Attest’s customers and testimonials. At the bottom, there are FAQs.

Attest conversion path
Attest conversion path.

The sign-up form consists of 5 fields.

Attest conversion path
Attest conversion path.

The thank you page advises customers that the sales team will be in touch soon, and provides a link to a page with Attest research papers. It also includes case studies illustrating the benefits of the tool.

Attest conversion path
Attest conversion path.

Free trial sign-up conversion path

Surfer, a powerful SEO content marketing platform, uses free trials to allow users to experience the product value.

There are 8 Surfer landing pages, including 4 for main user personas. Each with a captivating headline and a summary of the main benefits.

Surfer conversion path
Surfer landing page.

The ‘Start for free’ CTA button, takes you to the registration page, where you can create a new account or sign up with Google. By enabling SSO, Surfer may increase conversions by as much as 60%.

Surfer conversion path
Surfer offers SSO.

Once you register, Surfer sends you an email to verify your address.

Surfer conversion path
Surfer conversion path.

This leads to a 2-question welcome survey that Surfer uses to help you choose the right pricing plan.

Surfer conversion path
Surfer conversion path.

Surfer offers an opt-out free trial. You need to submit your credit card details upon signing up. Such trials have higher conversion rates.

Lead generation conversion path

96% of users who visit a website are not ready to make a purchase. But they may be willing to give you their contact details, so you can nurture them and close the deal later. For this, you need a lead generation conversion process.

Here’s an example:

Fluid is an all-in-one project management platform catering to enterprise customers. It’s a fairly complex product, so customers aren’t likely to buy the first time around.

The conversion path starts at one of the 8 landing pages. They cover key aspects and use cases of the product, like ‘Fluid for PMO’. Each of them highlights relevant product advantages and benefits, and a CTA.

Fluid conversion path
Fluid conversion path.

Click the ‘See a Demo’ button to take you to the registration form, where you can view a recorded demo or book a live one.

To do either, the prospective customer needs to enter their email address, name, and company.

By submitting the form, you give Fluid the data they need to qualify and follow up on the lead.

Fluid conversion path
Fluid conversion path.

Content marketing path

Ahrefs is an SEO suite known for its value-packed blog posts. The content is SE optimized, and if you run an SEO-related query on Google, there’s a big chance you’ll find an Ahrefs article in the top five.

Ahrefs conversion path, Ahrefs article in SERP
Ahrefs article in SERP.

Ahrefs blog posts promote their product as a natural solution to user problems and offer guidance.

An Ahrefs blog post
An Ahrefs blog post.

Article sections contain links to relevant product pages with more detailed information, explainer videos, and CTAs like ‘Sign up for Ahrefs’ or ‘See pricing‘.

Ahrefs conversion path
Ahrefs conversion path.

To register, you need to provide your email address only. And payment details as there’s no free trial.

Event registration path

Userpilot also uses the product-led approach to content marketing. In addition to our blog, we host regular webinars where potential and prospective users can learn how to use Userpilot to solve specific problems.

Userpilot conversion path
Userpilot events.

To promote the events, we use email marketing. Here’s a snippet from our weekly Product Rantz newsletter.

Userpilot conversion path
Userpilot Product Rantz.

Clicking on the link in the email takes you to the registration page.

Userpilot conversion path
Userpilot conversion path.

The confirmation page includes instructions and further CTAs, like Connect with Us (on social media). There are also links to other upcoming events the user might be interested in.

Userpilot webinar thank-you page
Userpilot webinar thank-you page.

E-commerce conversion path

According to the 2023 The State of U.S. Consumer Trends report by Hubspot, around 47% of customers discover products by searching online.

Here are the results of my search for a hot dog machine.

Amazon conversion path
Amazon conversion path.

Amazon ranks in no.1, so I click on the link to get to the marketplace. The search results page features numerous products. You have the option to visit the product page or put the product in the cart.

Amazon conversion path
Amazon product search page.

The product page contains the product description, its advantages, reviews, and related product recommendations. And 2 buttons: Add to Basket and Buy Now. The latter can increase the likelihood of conversion by 20-30%.

Amazon conversion path
Amazon product page.

I add the item to the basket and proceed to checkout. Paying is frictionless because Amazon stores my payment details in my account.

The thank you page contains the order confirmation, delivery/pick-up details, and date. Below, there are also other product recommendations. 35% of Amazon sales come from these.

Amazon conversion path
Amazon thank you page.

How to optimize the conversion path at each stage

Let’s wrap up by looking at a few conversion path optimization strategies for different funnel stages.

Awareness stage optimization

In the awareness stage, potential customers are just beginning to recognize their problem or need. And discover your product as a potential solution.

Here’s how to optimize this stage:

  • Use SEO to increase visibility in search engines for keywords related to your products and services.
  • Create informative content that addresses common problems or questions of the target audience.
  • Use targeted ads to reach potential customers searching for related information.

Consideration stage optimization

During the consideration stage, potential customers are evaluating their options. Here’s how to guide them towards choosing your solution:

  • Provide deeper insights into how your products solve their specific problems.
  • Host webinars that offer valuable knowledge and demonstrate your product’s value.
  • Showcase success stories and testimonials from satisfied customers to build trust and provide social proof.
  • Develop detailed case studies that outline how your product has helped other businesses or individuals.

Conversion stage optimization

This is the critical stage where potential customers decide to make a purchase or sign up.

Here’s how to seal the deal:

  • Simplify the checkout or sign-up process to minimize friction.
  • Use compelling CTAs to guide users on what to do next.
  • Create a sense of urgency with limited-time offers or discounts to drive immediate action.

Post-conversion engagement

After conversion, the focus shifts to retaining these new customers and turning them into repeat buyers and brand advocates:


Creating successful conversion paths that lead users smoothly to a desired action requires a thorough understanding of the target audience. Thanks to that, you can create content that addresses their needs, wants, and pain points and gently guide them toward your product or resource as a solution.

If you want to learn more about how Userpilot can help you support your users after they sign up for your product, book the demo!

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