23 Best User Experience Research Tools of 2024

23 Best User Experience Research Tools of 2024 cover

What if you could get into your user’s brain? Would you have a better understanding of how they interact with your product? You bet!

Unfortunately, that technology isn’t here yet, so UX research tools are the next best thing.

These tools can provide you with the qualitative and quantitative data you need to understand how your customer behaves in your product, so you can make the necessary changes to improve their experience.

This article will highlight 23 of the best UX research tools available in 2024.


  • UX research tools help collect and analyze data on user interactions to improve product usability and satisfaction.
  • Choose UX research tools with essential features, collaboration, reliable support, user-friendliness, scalability, integrations, and strong security.
  • Userpilot enhances user experience through in-depth UX research, offering features to gather, analyze, and act on customer feedback.
  • Typeform offers engaging, interactive survey tools that make collecting user feedback conversational and enjoyable.
  • Qualtrics is known for its robust and versatile capabilities in collecting and analyzing feedback.
  • Hotjar helps understand customer behavior and gather qualitative research to improve website user experience.
  • Mixpanel is a top analytics platform known for powerful user analytics and detailed reporting on product usage.
  • User Interviews simplifies recruiting participants and streamlines conducting user interviews and gathering user feedback.
  • Sketch is a widely recognized design tool for creating wireframes and prototypes, known for its simplicity and efficiency.
  • InVision is a powerful design platform known for robust wireframing and prototyping, enabling interactive and collaborative prototypes.
  • Figma is a cloud-based design tool for collaborative features, real-time wireframing, and prototyping capabilities.
  • UXPin is a comprehensive design tool for creating interactive wireframes and prototypes, offering a seamless design-to-development workflow.
  • Mockflow is a versatile design tool for wireframing and prototyping, offering an intuitive platform for designing user interfaces.
  • UIzard is an innovative design tool that enhances wireframing and prototyping with AI-powered features for accessibility and efficiency.
  • Maze is a customer testing platform that gathers actionable insights by rapidly tree-testing designs and prototypes with real users.
  • Userlytics is a user testing platform offering deep insights into customer behavior through usability testing with global participants.
  • Lyssna is a customer testing platform providing in-depth insights through comprehensive feedback to understand customer behavior and improve usability.
  • Lookback is a user research platform capturing in-depth insights through real-time and recorded sessions, enhancing understanding of user interactions and usability issues.
  • UserTesting is a leading platform for on-demand user insights. It enables quick, actionable feedback on real user experiences via tactics like tree testing.
  • Useberry is a customer testing platform offering intuitive insights through prototype testing and feedback, helping teams quickly validate ideas.
  • Notion combines note-taking, project management, and collaboration features to unify your team’s work.
  • Airtable is a collaboration platform merging database features with spreadsheets for powerful team collaboration and project management.
  • Miro is an online collaborative whiteboard platform that enables teams to brainstorm, plan, and work visually.
  • Slack is a leading communication platform that facilitates team collaboration through real-time messaging, file sharing, and integrations to enhance productivity.
  • Asana is a project management tool known for its user-friendly interface and robust features. It helps teams organize, track, and manage work.
  • If you want to find out more about how Userpilot can help you with your UX research, book a demo now!

Try Userpilot and Take Your User Experience to the Next Level

What is a user research tool?

A user research tool is a platform that helps you understand how users interact with your product.

These tools allow you to collect data, analyze behaviors, and gather insights to improve the user experience.

By using UX tools and conducting thorough user research, you can make informed decisions that enhance usability and satisfaction.

How to choose the right user experience research tools?

Choosing the right UX research method and tools is crucial for improving your product. Here are some factors to consider:

  • Necessary features: Look for tools that offer essential features like user testing, heatmaps, and surveys. These features help you gather valuable insights and improve the user experience effectively.
  • Collaboration: Your tool should support collaboration among team members. This ensures everyone can share insights and contribute to the UX research process, making it more efficient and comprehensive.
  • Ease of use: A user-friendly tool is vital for smooth operation. It should be intuitive, so all team members can use it without extensive training.
  • Customer support: Good customer support is crucial. Ensure the tool offers reliable end-user support to assist with any issues or questions.
  • Scalability: Choose a tool that can grow with your business. It should be able to handle increased data and user load as your needs expand.
  • Integrations: Ensure the tool integrates well with other software you use. This helps streamline your workflow and improves efficiency.
  • Security: Security is essential for protecting user data. Look for tools with strong security measures, such as SOC 2 Type 2 certification, to protect data.

23 best UX research tools of 2024

To help you choose the right tools for improving your user experience, we’ve compiled a list of the 23 best UX research tools of 2024. These tools offer various features to help you understand and enhance how users interact with your product.

Tools for user research

Such tools help you gather user research on how your users interact with your product. This stage involves various user research methods, such as in-app surveys and user interviews, to understand user needs, preferences, and behaviors.

1. Userpilot

Userpilot is a powerful tool designed to enhance user experience through in-depth UX research. It offers a range of features that make gathering, analyzing, and acting on customer feedback easier.

  • User feedback surveys for quantitative and qualitative research: Conduct surveys that can be localized for global segments to get relevant insights from different regions.
An animation of user surveys from Userpilot, one of the user experience research tools
Selecting user survey templates in Userpilot.
  • Recruiting participants for interviews: Userpilot allows you to segment the right users and invite them to participate in interviews through modals or surveys. One UX researcher witnessed 4X more response rates than email invites when inviting users in-app through Userpilot.
  • Measuring user behavior data to identify patterns and trends: Userpilot lets you analyze user behavior data using funnel, path, retention, trend, and heat map analyses. These tools help you identify patterns and trends to improve the user experience.
An example of an inactive users report in Userpilot, one of the user experience research tools
Trend analysis in Userpilot.
  • Visualizing quantitative data through dashboards: Userpilot offers premade dashboards and the ability to create custom ones, making it easy to visualize quantitative data. These dashboards can be easily shared with stakeholders to keep everyone informed and aligned.
An animation showing a dashboard based in product usage in Userpilot, one of the user experience research tools
Viewing dashboards created in Userpilot.

Try Userpilot and Take Your User Experience to the Next Level

2. Typeform

Typeform is a UX research company known for its engaging and interactive survey tools that transform how you collect customer feedback. Their platform is designed to make surveys conversational and enjoyable for users.

Here are its top features:

  • User surveys: Create interactive surveys that feel like conversations. Hence, improving response rates and data quality.
  • Customizable templates: Use various templates to quickly design surveys tailored to your needs.
  • Analytics and reporting: Access detailed analytics to understand user responses and gather insights.
A screenshot of Typeform's survey and questionnaire templates, one of the user experience research tools
Typeform’s survey and questionnaire templates.

3. Qualtrics

Qualtrics is a leading provider of advanced survey and UX research features. These tools are widely used for collecting and analyzing customer feedback. Their platform is known for its robust and versatile research methods.

  • Customer feedback surveys: Conduct detailed surveys to gather valuable customer insights and improve user experience.
  • Concept testing: Test new product ideas and concepts to understand user preferences and potential success.
  • Advanced survey logic: Design complex surveys with branching logic and conditional questions.
An example of a concept testing report from Qualtrics, one of the user experience research tools
A Qualtrics report.

4. Hotjar

Hotjar is a popular UX research tool for understanding customer behavior and gathering qualitative research. It provides insights into how users interact with your website, helping you improve the overall user experience.

  • Heatmap analysis: Visualize user interactions on your site to see where they click, scroll, and spend the most time.
  • Session recordings: Watch recordings of real user sessions to understand their navigation patterns and identify pain points.
  • Feedback polls: Collect instant feedback from users directly on your website.
An animation showing a session recording collected via Hotjar, one of the user experience research tools
A Hotjar sessions recording.

5. Mixpanel

Mixpanel is a leading analytics platform that helps you understand customer behavior and measure product usage. It is renowned for its powerful user analytics and detailed reporting capabilities.

  • User analytics: Track and analyze user interactions in real time to gain insights into customer behavior.
  • Custom reports: Create detailed reports to visualize user data and identify trends and patterns.
  • Integrations: Easily integrate with other tools and platforms to streamline data collection and analysis.
An example report from Mixpanel, one of the user experience research tools
A Mixpanel report.

6. User Interviews

User Interviews is a platform that simplifies the research process of recruiting participants. It streamlines how you conduct interviews and online surveys and gather user feedback.

  • Participant recruiting: Easily recruit the right research participants for your UX research studies.
  • Automated scheduling: Simplify the research process of scheduling interviews with automated tools.
  • Surveys: Create and distribute surveys to collect detailed user research and feedback.
An animation showing a type of survey you can create in user interviews, one of the user experience research tools
A User Interview survey example.

Tools for wireframing and prototyping

Wireframing and prototyping tools are essential for designing the structure and functionality of your product before development begins.

This stage involves creating visual blueprints (wireframes) and interactive models (prototypes) to test and refine ideas. These tools help you visualize the user interface, test user flows, and gather feedback early in the design process, ensuring a more user-friendly final product.

7. Sketch

Sketch is a popular design tool for creating wireframes and prototypes. It is widely recognized for its simplicity and efficiency in the design process and for its usefulness in UX research.

  • Vector editing: Easily create and edit vector graphics, perfect for detailed wireframes.
  • Symbols and reusability: Create reusable design elements (symbols) to maintain consistency across your designs.
  • Prototyping: Build interactive product prototypes to test user flows and interactions.
  • Collaboration: Share designs and prototypes with team members for feedback and reviews.
A screenshot of the Sketch app
Sketch workspace.

8. InVision

InVision is a powerful design UX research tool known for its robust wireframing and prototyping capabilities. It helps designers create interactive and collaborative prototypes.

  • Interactive prototypes: Create clickable and interactive prototypes to simulate user experiences.
  • Wireframing: Design detailed wireframes to outline the structure of your product.
  • Collaboration tools: Share prototypes with team members and stakeholders for real-time feedback and collaboration.
  • Version control: Keep track of design changes and maintain version control throughout the design process.
A screenshot of a Space in InVision
InVision space.

9. Figma

Figma is a cloud-based design tool that excels in wireframing and prototyping. It’s known for its collaborative features and real-time design capabilities.

  • Real-time collaboration: Work simultaneously with team members on the same design, perfect for remote teams.
  • Wireframing: Create detailed and interactive wireframes to visualize the structure of your product.
  • Prototyping: Build interactive prototypes to test user flows and gather feedback.
  • Design systems: Maintain consistency with reusable components and design systems.
A screenshot of a work in progress built in Figma
Figma work in progress.

10. UXPin

UXPin is a comprehensive UX research tool that creates interactive wireframes and prototypes, offering a seamless design-to-development workflow.

  • Interactive prototypes: Build high-fidelity prototypes with advanced interactions and animations.
  • Wireframing: Design detailed wireframes to map out the structure and flow of your product.
  • Design systems: Create and manage design systems to ensure consistency across projects.
  • Code components: Integrate live code components into your designs for more realistic prototypes.
A screenshot of a wireframe built in UXpin
UXpin wireframe.

11. Mockflow

Mockflow is a versatile design UX research tool that specializes in wireframing and prototyping. It provides an intuitive platform for designing user interfaces.

  • Wireframing: Create detailed wireframes to visualize the layout and structure of your product.
  • Prototyping: Build interactive prototypes to test user flows and gather feedback.
  • Component libraries: Access a vast library of pre-built components to speed up your design process.
  • Collaboration: Share designs with team members for real-time collaboration and feedback.
A screenshot of a mobile app mockup built in Mockflow
Mobile application mockup built in Mockflow.

12. UIzard

UIzard is an innovative UX research tool that makes wireframing and prototyping accessible and efficient through AI-powered features.

  • AI-generated wireframes: Quickly convert sketches into editable wireframes using AI technology.
  • Prototyping: Create interactive prototypes to test and refine user flows.
  • Design templates: Utilize pre-made templates to jumpstart your design process.
  • Collaboration: Share projects with team members for real-time feedback and collaboration.
A screenshot of a work in progress within UIzard
Wireframing in UIzard.

Tools for user testing

User testing tools are essential for evaluating how real users interact with your product. This stage involves observing and analyzing customer behavior to identify usability issues and areas for improvement.

Using the research methods these tools offer, you can gather direct feedback, conduct A/B testing, and run usability tests to ensure your product meets user needs and expectations.

13. Maze

Maze is a customer testing platform that helps you gather actionable insights by tree testing with real users. It simplifies the process of validating designs and prototypes through rapid testing.

  • Rapid testing: Set up and conduct user tests to gather feedback quickly.
  • Usability testing: Evaluate how users interact with your product to identify usability issues via tree testing.
  • A/B testing: Compare different versions of your designs to see which performs better.
  • In-depth analytics: Access detailed reports and analytics to understand user behavior and test results.
A screenshot of a design built in Maze
A prototype in Maze.

14. Userlytics

Userlytics is a customer testing platform that provides deep insights into customer behavior through usability testing. It enables you to conduct tests with users worldwide.

  • Remote usability testing: Conduct usability tests with participants globally, observing their real-time interactions.
  • Multi-device testing: Test on various devices, including desktop, mobile, and tablet, to ensure a consistent user experience.
  • Advanced targeting: Recruit specific user demographics to get relevant and accurate feedback.
  • In-depth analytics: Access detailed metrics and video recordings to analyze customer behavior and identify usability issues.
A screenshot of Userlytics usablitiy test
Usability testing in Userlytics.

15. Lyssna

Lyssna is a customer testing platform that focuses on providing in-depth insights through comprehensive customer feedback. It helps you understand customer behavior and improve product usability.

  • Remote usability testing: Conduct user tests remotely to gather feedback from diverse user groups.
  • Session recordings: Record user sessions to observe interactions and identify usability issues.
  • Surveys and feedback forms: Collect detailed customer feedback through customized surveys and forms.
  • Behavior analytics: Analyze user behavior with advanced analytics to gain insights into user experience.
An animation of Lyssna showing an example of a survey
Usability testing in Lyssna.

16. Lookback

Lookback is a UX research and testing platform that captures in-depth insights through real-time and recorded user sessions. It facilitates a better understanding of user interactions and usability issues.

  • Live user testing: Conduct live user tests with real-time observation and interaction.
  • Session recordings: Record and replay user sessions to analyze behaviors and identify usability problems.
  • Remote testing: Perform usability testing with participants from anywhere in the world.
  • Collaborative features: Invite team members to observe and collaborate during live sessions.
  • In-session note-taking: Take notes and timestamp observations during live sessions for easy reference.
A screenshot of Lookbak showing someone providing feedback on a website
Feedback example in Lookback.

17. UserTesting

UserTesting is a leading platform for on-demand user insights, enabling companies to understand how real users experience their products. It helps you gather actionable feedback quickly.

  • Live conversations: Engage with users in real-time to observe their interactions and gather immediate feedback.
  • Video feedback: Receive video recordings of users navigating your product, providing valuable insights into their behavior.
  • Targeted demographics: Recruit users based on specific criteria to ensure relevant and accurate feedback.
  • Usability testing: Conduct comprehensive usability tests to identify pain points and improve the user experience via tree testing.
  • Customizable tests: Design and deploy tests tailored to your research needs and objectives.
A screenshot showing a dashboard in UserTesting
UserTesting dashboard.

18. Useberry

Useberry is a customer testing platform that provides intuitive and actionable insights through prototype testing and customer feedback. It helps designers and product teams validate their ideas quickly.

  • Prototype testing: Test interactive prototypes to gather customer feedback before development.
  • Task scenarios: Create specific tasks for users to complete, helping you identify usability issues.
  • Heatmaps: Visualize user interactions with heatmaps to see where users click, scroll, and spend the most time.
  • Analytics and reports: Access detailed analytics and reports to understand customer behavior and test results.
  • Remote testing: Conduct user tests remotely to reach a diverse user base.
A screenshot showing Useberry workspace
Useberry workspace.

Tools for collaboration

Collaboration tools are essential for teams to work together efficiently and effectively, especially in design and development projects. These tools facilitate communication, project management, and file sharing among team members, regardless of location.

This section includes platforms for team communication, project tracking, and document collaboration, and each contains a great user research method.

19. Notion

Notion is a versatile collaboration tool designed to organize your team’s work in one place. It combines note-taking, project management, and collaboration features into a single platform.

  • Workspace collaboration: Share documents, notes, and projects with your team in real-time.
  • Task management: Organize tasks and projects with to-do lists, kanban boards, and calendars.
  • Document collaboration: Create and edit documents together with real-time updates and comments.
  • Integrations: Connect with other tools like Slack, Google Drive, and Trello to streamline your workflow.
  • Customizable templates: Use and create templates to standardize processes and save time.
A screenshot of a page in Notion
Notion page example.

20. Airtable

Airtable is a collaboration platform that combines a database’s features with a spreadsheet’s simplicity, making it a powerful tool for team collaboration and project management.

  • Customizable workspaces: Create tailored workspaces to organize and manage projects according to your team’s needs.
  • Real-time collaboration: Share and edit databases with team members in real-time, ensuring everyone stays updated.
  • Views and filtering: Use grid, calendar, kanban, and gallery views to visualize your data in various ways.
  • Integrations: Seamlessly integrate with popular tools like Slack, Google Drive, and Zapier to enhance your workflow.
  • Templates: Access a wide range of templates to quickly set up projects and processes.
A screenshot of the gallery view in Airtable
Airtable gallery view.

21. Miro

Miro is an online collaborative whiteboard platform designed to help teams brainstorm, plan, and work together visually. It is widely used for its interactive and engaging collaboration features.

  • Real-time collaboration: Progress on work simultaneously with team members on a shared canvas, providing instant feedback and updates.
  • Visual brainstorming: Use digital sticky notes, diagrams, and drawing tools to brainstorm and organize ideas.
  • Templates: To get started quickly, access a variety of pre-built templates for workflows, mind maps, and project planning.
  • Integrations: Connect with tools like Slack, Trello, and Google Drive to streamline your collaboration processes.
  • Interactive workshops: Conduct engaging virtual workshops and meetings with built-in facilitation tools.
A screenshot of a Miro board and its capabilities
Miro board.

22. Slack

Slack is a leading communication platform that facilitates team collaboration through real-time messaging, file sharing, and integrations. It streamlines communication and enhances team productivity.

  • Channels: Create dedicated channels for different projects, teams, or topics to keep conversations organized.
  • Direct messaging: Communicate instantly with team members through private messages.
  • File sharing: Easily share documents, images, and other files within conversations.
  • Integrations: Connect with numerous apps and services like Google Drive, Trello, and Asana to centralize your workflow.
  • Searchable history: Search past conversations and files to find important information quickly.
A screenshot of the Slack app and the details of a chat
Slack app.

23. Asana

Asana is a project management and collaboration SaaS tool designed to help teams organize, track, and manage their work. It is known for its user-friendly interface and robust feature set.

  • Task management: Create, assign, and track tasks to ensure everyone knows their responsibilities and deadlines.
  • Project timelines: Visualize project timelines with Gantt charts to keep track of progress and dependencies.
  • Team collaboration: Collaborate with team members by sharing updates, attaching files, and commenting on tasks.
  • Custom workflows: Customize workflows to fit your team’s needs and processes.
  • Integrations: Integrate with tools like Slack, Google Drive, and Microsoft Teams to streamline your workflow.
A screenshot of the kanban board in Asana
Asana’s kanban board.


Even using a handful of these tools will provide you with UX research insights like getting inside your customer’s head. These tools are essential if you want to improve your product and craft the best possible experience so your customers have the best experience, ultimately leading to retaining more customers.

If you want help getting started with your UX research, Userpilot can help. It lets you collect customer feedback, assist you in gathering customers for interviews, and analyze customer behavior to identify patterns and trends. Find out more by booking a Userpilot demo now.

Try Userpilot and Take Your User Experience to the Next Level

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