How Userpilot Can Be Used for Driving Customer Acquisition

How Userpilot Can Be Used for Driving Customer Acquisition cover

Acquiring customers through product-led growth is a complex process that includes segmentation, activation, adoption, and eventually referrals brought in by brand advocates to restart the cycle.

This guide will show you 12 proven ways to improve customer acquisition with Userpilot.

1. Segment users to personalize their experiences

Userpilot lets you segment users based on their in-app behavior, survey responses, and other attributes. This helps you personalize your in-app messaging/guidance so they’re relevant to the individual needs of every trial or freemium cohort and increase the odds of them converting into customers.

User segmentation dashboard
User segmentation in Userpilot.

2. Develop segmented onboarding flows to increase the free-to-trial conversion rate

Userpilot’s visual builder lets you create personalized onboarding flows and then use its customer segmentation capabilities to target users at different stages of their journey — and thus increase your free trial conversion rate by providing more relevant in-app guidance to new customers.

Personalized onboarding
Flow targeting settings in Userpilot.

For instance, first-time users who aren’t particularly tech-savvy may need a thorough walkthrough of how to navigate and use the product. In contrast, more experienced customers who are switching over from using similar tools likely want a streamlined onboarding flow that gets straight into the nitty-gritty.

Separating the two into different segments makes it possible to show total beginners the basics without boring the power users who want to learn about advanced features from the get-go and find out what makes your product better than other solutions they’ve tried.

3. Create onboarding checklists to increase user activation

Userpilot also helps you improve user activation by building customizable onboarding checklists. An onboarding checklist kills two birds with one stone by guiding new users through core tasks while motivating them to keep going so they convert into customers before their trial period ends.

Onboarding checklist builder
Onboarding checklist in Userpilot.

Our client Sked Social is a prime example of how you can improve conversions with an onboarding checklist, as they managed to triple their conversion rates with it!

Try Userpilot For Driving Customer Acquisition With Onboarding Checklists

4. Add a self-serve resource center so new users can learn at their own pace

Userpilot makes it possible to create a resource center for your video tutorials, written guides, product documentation, research reports, upcoming webinars, and other self-serve resources that help users learn on their own.

Because an in-app resource center is available within the product itself — unlike other self-service software that host knowledge bases on another domain — this reduces onboarding friction and promotes customer education, which leads to improved customer acquisition.

Userpilot in-app resource center editor
Userpilot resource center editor.

For example, RecruitNow was able to save over a thousand customer training hours annually after adding a localized resource center to their product and setting up onboarding flows for new customers using Userpilot.

5. Leverage interactive walkthroughs to highlight key features early

Linear product tours dump a ton of information on new users right out of the gate — which makes it incredibly unlikely that they’ll remember any of it by the time they actually need to use the features you introduced.

On the other hand, interactive walkthroughs excel in providing bite-sized digestible tidbits (through hotspots, tooltips, and other UI patterns) that help new users learn by doing at their own pace instead of being overwhelmed at the very start of their journey.

Userpilot’s walkthroughs can be triggered at contextual points of the onboarding process to highlight certain features that lead to an ‘Aha moment’, which accelerates the adoption process and increases the chances of conversion. This is especially helpful for SaaS products with shorter free trial lengths or particularly complex feature sets.

Take a cue from our client Attention Insight — they managed to increase user activation by 47% after implementing interactive walkthroughs created with Userpilot!

Attention Insight interactive walkthrough created with Userpilot.
Attention Insight interactive walkthrough created with Userpilot.

6. Optimize feature discovery with contextual tooltips

Userpilot lets you embed tooltips into your UI that offer contextual help when users need it most. These tooltips are perfect for providing timely in-app guidance, highlighting neglected features, or displaying other information that users might need to know at the moment.

The best part is that tooltips are less intrusive than modals and thus improve feature discovery for new users without getting in the way of power users who are already familiar with the product. This strikes a balance to increase conversions amongst freshly-acquired users without risking churn.

Contextual help popup
Contextual help in Userpilot.

7. Use behavioral triggers to reengage disengaged customers

Userpilot’s behavioral targeting automates the process of re-engaging inactive users to get them to convert and prevent churn. For instance, it could nudge users who are yet to complete a crucial onboarding task and bring them on the right track to increase the likelihood of a conversion.

Nudge modal
Nudge modal in Userpilot.

8. Test onboarding elements to identify what drives higher activation rates

Userpilot’s A/B testing lets you experiment with onboarding variables — such as messaging, layouts, and flows — to see which version results in the highest customer activation rates. Like other A/B testing platforms, Userpilot also offers multivariate testing so you can test multiple variables at once.

By combining the testing options and segmentation capabilities, it becomes possible to see how different segments respond to the same flow. These insights are the key to optimizing onboarding for higher activation and conversion rates that maximize your customer acquisition efforts.

A/B testing results dashboard
A/B testing results in Userpilot.

Leverage Userpilot’s A/B Testing For Driving Customer Acquisition

9. Encourage word-of-mouth marketing by asking promoters to leave you positive reviews

Userpilot’s NPS surveys let you identify promoters (anyone who responds with a nine or higher).

Userpilot NPS dashboard
NPS dashboard in Userpilot.

Then, you can segment them and trigger a flow, asking them to leave your product a positive review. The positive reviews will help encourage word-of-mouth marketing, which builds trust and makes customer acquisition a lot easier as a result.

In-app product review CTA modal
In-app product review CTA in Userpilot.

10. Leverage email marketing based on user behavior

The Userpilot-HubSpot integration lets you trigger email sequences using in-app behavioral data to create contextual email marketing campaigns. This helps you automate sending emails at a specific point in the user journey.

Userpilot-HubSpot integration
HubSpot integration with Userpilot.

For instance, users who abandon their onboarding could receive an automated email reminding them to complete the remaining tasks and pull them back into the app. This increases SaaS conversions in the same way that an e-commerce company would use email marketing to reduce cart abandonment.

11. Incorporate in-app surveys to learn how you can improve your acquisition process

Userpilot lets you create in-app surveys that trigger at key points of the user journey. This helps you collect customer feedback, identify pain points, and eliminate friction. As a result, you’ll be able to streamline both your acquisition and onboarding processes.

In-app onboarding survey
In-app survey in Userpilot.

Note: In-app surveys tend to have much higher response rates than email surveys.

12. Use the insights from auto-captured data to refine your acquisition strategies during the free trial

Userpilot’s auto-capture feature collects granular insights on user behavior without needing to be set up manually. This includes clicks, text inputs, and form submissions — all of which come together to surface actionable insights that will help you fine-tune acquisition strategies.

Auto-captured event data dashboard
Auto-captured event data in Userpilot.

Data gathered through auto-capturing helps you track user behavior and then tweak your marketing messaging, user interface, and product roadmap per your findings. Auto-capture also tends to provide more accurate customer insights as there’s almost no bias in collecting data.

You can then visualize the auto-captured data using our funnel analysis and trend analysis reports to see detailed breakdowns. This will help you see how behavioral data changes throughout each stage of the funnel and identify any patterns in how certain data points have changed over time.


As you can see, there are quite literally a dozen ways that you can improve your customer acquisition efforts with Userpilot. Whether it’s behavioral segmentation, personalized onboarding, A/B testing, flow targeting, or data analysis, Userpilot is a full-suite product growth platform that can handle it.

If you’re ready to take your customer acquisition to the next level and get better product growth outcomes, it’s time to get your free Userpilot demo today!

Take Your Customer Acquisition To The Next Level With Userpilot

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