Product Experience Platform: Comparison of the 15 Best PX Tools

Product Experience Platform: Comparison of the 15 Best PX Tools cover

Picking the right product experience platform is an important task for any product manager.

In this article, we’ll be conducting an in-depth analysis and comparison of the 15 best tools currently available on the market.

Let’s dive in.

What is a product experience platform?

A product experience platform is a tool enabling you to build, maintain, analyze, and enhance the product experience. But what exactly does that mean?

Product experience (PX) is a term encompassing the entire customer journey, including the customer’s interactions with your product, how they feel about it, and their overall satisfaction.

Visual describing the product experience
Product experience is a type of UX.

Must-have features of a good product experience management software

Product experience is pivotal to get right as it can lead to increased sales, customer loyalty, and favorable word-of-mouth. However, it doesn’t happen by accident, it must be designed.

Here’s a handy list of must-have features to look out for in any good product experience management tool:

User onboarding. Onboarding is all about helping your users understand how to get value from your product. Product experience management software should offer a range of features for primary, secondary, and tertiary onboarding.

Intuitive user interface. The tool’s UI should be intuitive and easy to follow. It shouldn’t require a steep learning curve.

Customer segmentation. It should enable you to understand, analyze, and personalize interactions to deliver the best possible experience to all your user groups.

User feedback. You need to be able to gather product feedback directly from your users (launching surveys within your app is one fantastic option).

Product analytics. You need to be able to identify patterns and trends in behavior to make informed decisions – analytics can help here.

Integrations. Good product experience management software will integrate with your existing tech stack. The more integrations the better.

Scalable. Your tech platform needs to scale with the needs of the business. When you grow, the product experience tool must grow with you (without crippling your team with excessive running and maintenance costs).

The 15 best product experience platforms for product teams

Next up, we’re going to get into the details of what product experience management software is out there, its core features, and how much it’ll cost.

Let’s dive in!

1. Userpilot – best overall customer experience platform

Userpilot is a powerful, multi-faceted product adoption platform giving you everything you need to craft meaningful, potent product experiences.

Screenshot of Userpilot analytics
Understand product analytics with Userpilot.

Alongside in-built analytics, it has an impressive array of features:

  • Gather user feedback. Collect feedback with in-app surveys and analyze quantitative and qualitative data.
Screenshot of Userpilot interface
Userpilot makes it simple to build custom surveys.
  • Advanced user segmentation capabilities. Identify and craft personalized experiences for distinct user groups.
  • Track performance against goals. Conduct user journey analysis against specific milestones.
  • Heatmaps. Understand how users navigate your app with heatmaps. This extremely actionable information will help you identify ways to make your UI easier to navigate.
  • Build experiences with a range of onboarding UI patterns. Choose from slideouts, hotspots, tooltips, onboarding checklists, modals, banners, and more to boost engagement and adoption.
Screenshot of Userpilot interface
Choose the right UI pattern for the job.
  • Event-based message triggering. Launch contextual in-app guidance and messages.
  • Experiment and iterate. Run experiments and measure performance against hypotheses with A/B testing.
Screenshot of Userpilot A/B testing
A/B testing in Userpilot.

Userpilot pricing

Pricing is flexible (scaling with user volumes), but there are three broad tiers on offer:

  • Traction is an entry-level plan starting at $249/month for 2,500 MAUs. Unlike some competitors, this plan will give you access to most of the core features described above.
  • The Growth and Enterprise plan have bespoke pricing.

2. Pendo – best for enterprise clients

Pendo is a comprehensive digital adoption platform that caters primarily to enterprise users. You can use Pendo to easily gather feedback, launch surveys (including NPS surveys), build guides, and more – all of this will contribute to creating positive customer experiences.

Screenshot of Pendo
Surveys built with Pendo.

Pendo pricing

Pendo’s ‘Engage’ offering has a few publicly available tiers:

  • Free: Up to 500 monthly active users (MAUs).
  • Starter: From $7,000 for 2,000 users and up to $35,000 a year for 10,000 users.
  • Custom pricing for Growth and Portfolio plans.

3. UserGuiding – best product experience platform for SaaS startups

UserGuiding is a no-code product management and onboarding tool. Its attractive pricing means it’s a great choice for early-stage SaaS companies.

Animation of UserGuiding interface
Build product experiences affordably with UserGuiding.

Key features include:

UserGuiding pricing

UserGuiding’s biggest selling point is its $89/month Basic plan – however, it’s fairly limited in terms of functionality.

To get the best out of this product experience management software, you’ll need one of the more expensive pricing plans: Professional at $389/month, or Corporate at $689/month.

4. Appcues – best experience management platform for mobile apps

This product experience platform can be used to onboard new users, create product tours, and drive feature adoption. A quick bit of market research will tell you that Appcues is best for creating great product experiences on mobile apps.

Screenshot of Appcues interface
Appcues builder.

Appcues pricing

Appcues pricing is fairly simple, and divided into three plans: Essentials for $249/month, Growth for $879/month, and Enterprise with custom pricing.

5. Qualtrics – best for sentiment analysis

Qualtrics is a product experience management tool renowned for its in-depth sentiment analysis and concept testing. Its main features include using machine learning and natural language processing to categorize data from customer feedback.

Screenshot of Qualtrics sentiment analysis
Sentiment analysis feature by Qualtrics.

Qualtrics pricing

Qualtrics pricing is not publicly available for all. To know their pricing, you need to contact their sales team.

6. Heap – best for actionable insights into user behavior

Heap is a product analytics tool that helps you understand how and why customers engage with your product in a certain way. It offers:

  • Automatic data collection. Heap automatically collects all customer data and stores it securely on the cloud.
  • Data analysis. funnel analysis, journey analysis, and more.
  • Data visualizations: view product analytics data via reports and dashboards.
  • Integrations. Integrate with various other tools to create better experiences.
Screenshot of Heap interface
Heap product analytics.

Heap pricing

Heap offers four pricing plans:

  • Free: Up to 10,000 sessions/month.
  • Growth: 300,000 sessions/month starting at $3,600/year.
  • Pro: Custom pricing.
  • Premier: Custom pricing.

7. Amplitude – best for customer journey analysis

Amplitude is another advanced analytical tool that helps companies better understand how users navigate through their products by monitoring their journeys.

Screenshot of Amplitude UI
Amplitude journey analysis.

Key features include:

  • Event tracking and analytics. Track page views, clicks, and downloads.
  • User segmentation. Segment users into groups and then track their behavior.
  • A/B testing. Run experiments to see how changes impact user behavior (and improve conversion rates).
  • Predictions. Predict user behavior based on their previous product usage. You can use this feature to identify users likely to churn, convert, and more.

Amplitude pricing

Pricing is based on the number of monthly tracked users (MTUs):

  • Starter: Free for up to 100,000 MTUs.
  • Growth: Custom pricing.
  • Enterprise: Custom pricing.

8. Adobe Experience Manager – best for digital asset management

Adobe Experience Manager (AEM) is a cloud-based software that helps businesses create, manage, and deliver digital assets across all channels. Other features include content management, reporting, analytics, and personalization.

Screenshot of Adobe Experience Manager
Adobe Experience Manager.

Adobe Experience Manager pricing

Adobe doesn’t mention its pricing on its website. To know how much the software costs, you need to request pricing by providing your company details.

9. Hotjar – best for qualitative insights into the product experience

Hotjar is a powerful website analytics and product experience platform that tracks user behavior and collects qualitative data through interviews.

Key features include session recordings, heatmaps, and surveys.

Screenshot of Hotjar
Hotjar heatmaps.

Hotjar pricing

Hotjar offers four price tiers:

  • Basic. Free plan for up to 35 daily sessions.
  • Plus. $32/month for up to 100 daily sessions and enhanced data filtering.
  • Business. $80/month starting at 500 daily sessions.
  • Scale. $171/month starting at 500 daily sessions.

10. UserTesting – best for testing digital products

UserTesting is a software platform that allows businesses to get feedback from real users on their websites, mobile apps, and other products.

Screenshot of UserTesting interface
Comprehensive usability testing.

As well as offering a comprehensive set of usability testing options, other features include feedback, surveys, recordings, and more.

UserTesting pricing

Contact sales to understand your pricing options and implementation.

The sales team will set out whether the Essentials, Advanced, or Ultimate plan makes sense based on the volume of users, tests, and more.

11. Gainsight – best for driving product adoption

One of the most popular platforms for product adoption, Gainsight offers a range of user-friendly engagement tools, data and insights, advanced segmentation, performance against success measures, support across multiple channels, and more.

Screenshot of Gainsight interface
Gainsight product experience platform.

Gainsight pricing

To know the pricing of the product experience suite from Gainsight, you need to get in touch with their sales team.

12. Productboard – best for product managers looking to optimize roadmaps

This product management tool is an all-in-one platform that’ll help you prioritize and develop products better.

Product managers can define vision and success metrics, set out strategies, and incorporate customer feedback into their product roadmap.

Screenshot of Productboard UI
Productboard PX platform.

Productboard pricing

There are several options to choose from:

  • Essentials: Starting at $20/month, this plan is designed for individuals and includes basic features like roadmap creation.
  • Pro: Starting at $80/month, this plan includes additional features like feature prioritization, product analytics, and more.
  • Enterprise: Designed for big teams and large organizations, it includes all the features of the Pro plan, plus additional features like sentiment analysis. You need to request a demo to know the pricing of this plan.

13. Bloomreach – best for increasing customer loyalty

Bloomreach is a digital experience platform built for commerce, offering a unified view of customer and product data.

Screenshot of Bloomreach UI
Bloomreach PX platform.

Key features include funnel analysis, building a conversion funnel, understanding the customer journey, driving engagement across digital channels, and boosting retention and loyalty through optimizing the customer journey.

Bloomreach pricing

Bloomreach pricing is customized to the number of users, the size of your product, and the number of events you execute across its three products; Engagement, Discovery, and Content.

14. Refiner – best platform for product feedback surveys

This product experience management tool specializes in building customer surveys to gather valuable product data and feedback.

You can use it to launch microsurveys, analyze interactions, segment user groups, and take immediate action to deliver a better product experience.

Screenshots of Refiner survey options
A huge range of customizable surveys to choose from.

Refiner pricing

There are three pricing tiers. Based on 5,000 MAUs, you’re looking at $75/month for Essentials, $199/month for Growth, and custom pricing for Enterprise.

15. Optimizely – best for A/B testing

This tool is specialized to run experiments and improve your product decision-making.

You can easily A/B test different versions of your app, quickly conduct a market assessment, use feature flags for different user groups, and integrate it with various other tools.

Screenshot of Optimizely UI
Run experiments quickly and effectively with Optimizely.

Optimizely pricing

Optimizely will create a bespoke plan based on which elements of the product you need (i.e., Orchestrate, Experiment, or Monetize), the volume of traffic, users, and more.


That wraps up our extensive guide into the world of product experience platforms.

You should now be well equipped with an understanding of what product experience is and which PX management software should you choose.

If you’re looking for a solid product with great value for money, give Userpilot a go. Book a demo call with our team to get started!

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