HelpHero for Digital Adoption: Features, Pricing, and Review

HelpHero for Digital Adoption: Features, Pricing, and Review

Looking for an effective digital adoption tool and wondering if HelpHero is the best option for your SaaS company?

With numerous HelpHero alternatives, it can be challenging to make a final decision.

In this article, we’ll delve into precisely that – helping you determine whether HelpHero is the ideal choice for your digital adoption needs. We’ll explore its features, pricing, and offer a comprehensive review to aid in your decision-making process.

Let’s get started!


  • HelpHero is a good choice for digital adoption and it comes with features such as tooltips, feature tags, interactive walkthroughs, and in-app announcements.
  • Let’s look at the most common limitations of HelpHero and why you might need HelpHero’s alternatives:
    • You want flexible user onboarding flows: HelpHero’s user onboarding features primarily support linear paths with minimal branching capabilities. This limitation can hinder the creation of more sophisticated and adaptable onboarding experiences, which is crucial for addressing the diverse needs of users.
    • You want advanced interactivity options: HelpHero’s onboarding tools are somewhat restricted when creating interactive elements beyond basic text copy and buttons. To engage users effectively, especially in complex or feature-rich applications, a lack of interactive components can be a significant drawback.
    • Inability to address specific user queries: HelpHero’s onboarding flow doesn’t allow users to drill into specific issues or questions they may have during the onboarding process. This limitation can make it challenging to provide real-time assistance and guidance to users, potentially leading to frustration or increased support requests.
  • If you’re looking for a better option for digital adoption, Userpilot exceeds both functionality and value for money compared to HelpHero.
  • Ready to see Userpilot in action? Schedule a demo today to explore its powerful digital adoption capabilities firsthand.

Looking for a Better Alternative for Digital Adoption? Try Userpilot


  • 14 Day Trial
  • No Credit Card Required

What is HelpHero?

HelpHero is a tool that enables businesses to build interactive, easy-to-follow product tours that help engage users from day one and speed up feature adoption quicker than ever.

In addition, with HelpHero, you can easily create and customize walkthroughs without coding. You can use it to ensure users know what’s new and how to use it. The result – is less frustration and confusion and higher user adoption and retention.

Must have features of digital adoption tools

An efficiently designed digital adoption platform guides users through complex apps with ease. Here are some features that DAPs must have:

  • In-app learning: With efficient DAPs, users receive timely in-app guidance through interactive walkthroughs, product tours, and contextual UI patterns (tooltips, modals, etc.) to achieve their goals.
  • User segmentation: Segmenting users by shared needs, jobs to be done, demographics, etc., helps tailor their product journey. This is crucial for keeping users adopted and retained.
  • In-app self-help: Users want quick and easy support, so the DAP you select must be able to create and customize an in-app self-service widget with a knowledge base, video tutorials, etc.
  • Product analytics: Analyzing product usage and user actions is crucial to assess the success of your adoption strategies.
  • Microsurveys: Look for a platform that lets you design different types of surveys, trigger them contextually, and gather feedback effortlessly.
  • Integrations: A DAP should integrate easily with your existing tech stack, whether cloud-based or on-premise, ensuring seamless operations and maximizing utility.

HelpHero features for digital adoption

With HelpHero, you can put the spotlight on features and product enhancements.

You can use it to ensure users know what’s new and how to use it.

  • Hotspot: HelpHero’s hotspots are a great way to add on-demand contextual hints. Hotspots can be used for tooltips, feature announcements or prompts.
  • Feature Announcements: Subtly draw attention to new features. HelpHero’s feature adoption capabilities are exceptional. It allows you to create engaging feature announcements and tooltips, making it a breeze to introduce new functionalities to your users.

HelpHero’s tooltips

It offers tooltip support, which provides contextual information when a user hovers over or clicks on specific elements in the app.

This is useful for explaining buttons, features, or UI elements that might take time to be intuitive:

  • Dynamic Positioning: Tooltips can automatically adjust their position based on the screen space available, ensuring they are always visible and unobtrusive to the user experience.
  • Customizable Appearance: Allows for the customization of tooltip design, including colors, fonts, and animations, to match the app’s branding and enhance user engagement.
  • Interactive Content: Supports the inclusion of interactive elements like links, images, or videos within tooltips, offering a more engaging and informative user experience.

HelpHero’s feature tags

Feature tagging is foundational to understanding the impact of your in-app flows on your growth goals and feature adoption. It allows you to track the behavior of your users in your app, code-free and with no interference from your dev team.

Feature tagging is not available on HelpHero. However, with Userpilot, you can access advanced analytics.

HelpHero’s interactive walkthroughs

HelpHero allows the creation of step-by-step guides within the app, leading users through various functions and features. These walkthroughs can be customized and triggered based on user actions.

Here’s a snippet of the features of HelpHero for interactive walkthroughs:

  • Step-by-Step Guide Creation: HelpHero enables the design of detailed, step-by-step guides within applications. These guides lead users through various functionalities and features, providing a structured and clear path for navigating complex software.
  • Customization Options: The platform offers extensive customization options for walkthroughs. This includes the ability to modify the appearance, content, and flow of the guides, ensuring that they align with the specific needs of the application and its users.
  • Action-Based Triggers: HelpHero’s walkthroughs can be programmed to activate based on specific user actions or behaviors. This feature ensures that users receive guidance exactly when they need it, enhancing the learning experience and increasing the effectiveness of the walkthroughs.

HelpHero’s in-app announcements

A new feature announcement helps you communicate news about your product features to your users. With HelpHero, you can use the following:

  • Hotspots: HelpHero’s hotspots are a great way to add on-demand contextual hints. Hotspots can be used for tooltips, feature announcements, or prompts.
  • Tooltips: You can use tooltips to give short information regarding the new feature.

What are the pros and cons of HelpHero?

HelpHero’s pros

HelpHero is an effective tool in the world of user onboarding and product adoption. Let’s dive into the pros of using HelpHero:

  • Intuitive No-Code Product Tour Builder: HelpHero provides an easy-to-use, no-code builder that simplifies creating onboarding and product adoption flows.
  • Diverse UI Patterns: With HelpHero, you have many UI patterns. Whether you prefer banners, tooltips, hotspots, or checklists, you can customize your user engagement just as you want. Regardless of your plan, you’ll have access to all UI patterns, ensuring you get value right from the entry-level plan.
  • Engaging Walkthroughs: Create interactive walkthroughs tailored to specific user segments, making onboarding a breeze and driving product adoption.
  • In-App Help: HelpHero enables you to build a resource center with self-service support, which can be customized to match your branding. You can choose from various help options, including videos, in-app flows, chat, and more.
  • Easy & Affordable: HelpHero is a powerful and easy-to-use onboarding tool that is also cost-effective.
  • Advanced Customer Support: With a comprehensive system, you can give users the guidance they need before they ask for it with contextual product tours.
  • Onboarding Analytics and Segmentation: Analyze product usage and in-app flow engagement with HelpHero’s advanced analytics. You can also create user segments based on this data, allowing for highly targeted user interactions and improvements in the user experience.

HelpHero’s cons

Overall, HelpHero is a good customer onboarding software, but it has a few limitations that make it less than ideal for some businesses.

  • Limited Features: HelpHero does not offer all of the features that some businesses need for customer onboarding, such as the ability to create custom onboarding flows or to track customer progress in real-time.
  • Limited Customization Options: HelpHero’s customization capabilities are limited, which may not suit businesses with unique branding or design needs.
  • A/B Testing is only available to technical users who can code.
  • Integration Challenges: Integrating HelpHero with certain software and systems can be more complex and less seamless than some alternatives.

What do users say about HelpHero?

Does HelpHero offer a great onboarding and walkthrough experience? Let’s see a good review of HelpHero on G2:

“Easy and fast way to implement onboarding for your apps”

Very easy to implement onboarding tutorials, almost no technical skills needed. Windows can target CSS elements. Powerful funnel system. Cheapest solution of this kind I have found.

While HelpHero has some great reviews, it still has some downsides that many users have pointed out. Here’s a recent one:

Although it’s still the cheapest solution I have found for this, it has doubled their fees since I started to use it.

Tours’ window styling isn’t the coolest, although you can use your own CSS styles to improve it.

HelpHero’s pricing

HelpHero’s pricing plan is based on the number of Monthly Active Users (MAUs). Here’s an overview of the different pricing plans, including the free trial:

  • HelpHero free trial: free 14-day trial, no credit card required.
  • Up to 1000 MAU — $55
  • Up to 2500 MAU — $115
  • Up to 5000 MAU — $179
  • Up to 10000 MAU — $249
  • Up to 20000 MAU — $299
  • If you have more than 20,000 Monthly Active Users, you have to contact them.

3 Reasons why you might need a HelpHero alternative

Let’s look at the most common limitations of HelpHero and why you might need HelpHero’s alternatives:

  • You want flexible user onboarding flows: HelpHero’s user onboarding features primarily support linear paths with minimal branching capabilities. This limitation can hinder the creation of more sophisticated and adaptable onboarding experiences, which is crucial for addressing the diverse needs of users.
  • You want advanced interactivity options: HelpHero’s onboarding tools are somewhat restricted when creating interactive elements beyond basic text copy and buttons. To engage users effectively, especially in complex or feature-rich applications, a lack of interactive components can be a significant drawback.
  • Inability to address specific user queries: HelpHero’s onboarding flow doesn’t allow users to drill into specific issues or questions they may have during the onboarding process. This limitation can make it challenging to provide real-time assistance and guidance to users, potentially leading to frustration or increased support requests.

Userpilot – A better alternative for digital adoption

Feature adoption occurs when a user starts using a new/existing feature to solve their problems. Userpilot has built-in capabilities to track feature adoption analytics, identify the most popular features, and leverage UI patterns to help users discover features that they haven’t tried yet.

  • No-code feature tagging: Userpilot’s click-to-track feature tagger lets you tag up to 15 features in the Starter plan and track its interactions without writing a single line of code. Users on the Growth or Enterprise plan can add an unlimited number of tags and use events to trigger in-app flows.

  • Top events: The feature analytics dashboard will show you the top 20 events in a specific time period so you can see which features are most popular. You can track interaction volume for individual features or create custom events to group multiple elements/features together.

  • Feature promotion: Adding in-app messages in the form of tooltips, hotspots, or banners can help users discover new features and learn how to use them. You’ll also be able to edit the size, placement, styling, and frequency settings for each UI pattern you attach to a feature.

  • Feature checklists: Userpilot checklists are an effective way to nudge new users towards features and trigger actions upon task completion. You can also create checklists within your in-app resource center to increase feature discovery when users try to self-solve a problem.

Userpilot’s tooltips

Tooltips are the most straightforward way to offer contextual information to users without interrupting their workflows. Userpilot lets you create tooltips as part of your in-app flows, attach standalone tooltips to individual features, and leverage the power of AI to streamline the process.

Here are the ways you can use Userpilot to create tooltips:

  • Tooltip flows: Tooltips are one of the UI elements you can utilize when creating in-app flows. You’ll be able to edit the size, placement, and behavior of your tooltip as needed. You could also toggle the option to continue or dismiss the flow if a tooltip’s element can’t be located.

  • Native tooltips: Userpilot spotlights let you create native tooltips that expand when users click on an element or hover over a feature. Since these tooltips are attached to the features rather than specific pages, they’ll show up anywhere that the element is present.

  • AI assistance: Userpilot’s AI-powered capabilities help you create better tooltips in less time. You could use the writing assistant to create, shorten, or extend the content of tooltips and leverage automated localization to translate your flow’s tooltips to any of the 32 languages available.

Userpilot’s feature tags

Tracking feature adoption is essential to identify under-utilized features and push users toward discovering them. Userpilot lets you tag features without writing any code, track adoption through engagement analytics, and visualize feature usage with heatmaps.

Here’s how you can use Userpilot to conduct feature audits and drive feature adoption:

  • No-code tagging: Userpilot’s no-code feature tagger lets you add tags through the Chrome extension’s visual builder. You’ll also be able to select whether the tag should track clicks, hovers, or text inputs from users to get contextual data that reflects actual feature usage.

  • Feature tags: The advanced feature analytics of Userpilot lets you track feature performance trends, see the top 20 features across your user base, and see granular data for individual features. You’ll also be able to filter your data by segment, company, or time period.
  • Usage heatmaps: Userpilot heatmaps show you the features/elements with the most interactions. Heatmaps can be generated on the Features & Events dashboard by clicking on a tagged feature, editing it in the builder, and then clicking the heatmap icon on the bottom toolbar.

Userpilot’s interactive walkthroughs

Interactive walkthroughs are better than linear product tours because they let new users learn by doing instead of dumping a ton of information on them all at once. Userpilot’s no-code features let you build advanced interactive walkthroughs and create personalized flows for each segment.

Here are the Userpilot features you can use to create interactive walkthroughs:

  • No-code builder: Installing the Userpilot Chrome extension makes it possible to build interactive walkthroughs with zero coding needed. You’ll be able to use every UI pattern — such as modals, slideouts, tooltips, and driven actions — regardless of which plan you’re on.

  • Welcome surveys: Userpilot lets you create welcome screens that survey users on what their primary use cases, roles, needs, etc., are. You can create different walkthroughs depending on their responses to ensure that there’s a personalized experience for all.

  • Audience settings: The audience settings on Userpilot flows help you trigger or hide walkthroughs from specific users and segments. This makes it possible to create interactive walkthroughs that target a particular segment or trigger a flow when certain conditions are met.

Userpilot’s in-app announcements

Userpilot offers multiple options for broadcasting your announcements to users, such as modals and slideouts as part of a flow or standalone banners for less urgent in-app messages.

Here are the Userpilot UI patterns you can use for your in-app announcements:

  • Modals: Userpilot has modal templates for specific use cases such as announcements, but you can also create a new design from scratch. You’ll be able to enhance your modals with emojis, images, and videos to make announcements as engaging as possible for your users.

  • Banners: This UI pattern (which you can create with Userpilot spotlights) helps you announce new features, updates, or downtime without taking up the entire screen. You can also add blocks to your banners to insert emojis, media, input forms, or custom JavaScript functions.

  • Slideouts: If you want your announcements to be less intrusive than modals but more obvious than banners, then you can add slideouts to your flows. Userpilot lets you add progressive slideouts, two-button slideouts, and slideouts that trigger a full-on welcome tour.

What are the pros and cons of Userpilot?

Userpilot pros

As a full-suite digital adoption platform, Userpilot has all the features you need to onboard users, track analytics, and gather feedback from customers without writing a single line of code. Here are a few pros of using Userpilot as your product growth solution:

  • No-code builder: Userpilot’s Chrome extension lets you build flows, add UI elements, and tag features without writing a single line of code.
  • UI patterns: There are plenty of UI patterns to choose from when using Userpilot, such as hotspots, tooltips, banners, slideouts, modals, and more!
  • Startup-friendly: Userpilot’s entry-level plan gives you access to all available UI patterns so you can hit the ground running.
  • Walkthroughs and flows: Build engaging interactive walkthroughs and personalized onboarding flows that target specific segments of your user base.
  • Self-service support: Build an in-app resource center to help users solve problems, customize its appearance to align it with your brand, and insert various types of content (videos, flows, or chatbots) to keep your customers satisfied.
  • A/B testing: Userpilot’s built-in A/B testing capabilities will help you split-test flows, iterate on the best-performing variants, and continually optimize based on user behavior.
  • Feedback collection: Userpilot has built-in NPS surveys with its own unified analytics dashboard and response tagging to help you retarget users. There are other survey types to choose from and you can even create your own custom survey.
  • Survey templates: There are 14 survey templates to choose from so you can gather feedback on specific features or run customer satisfaction benchmarking surveys like CSAT and CES.
  • Advanced analytics: Userpilot lets you analyze product usage data, monitor engagement on all in-app flows, and use the data to create user segments that are based on behaviors instead of demographics.
  • Event tracking: Userpilot’s no-code event tracking lets you tag UI interactions (hovers, clicks, or form fills) and group them into a custom event that reflects feature usage.
  • Third-party integrations: Userpilot has built-in integrations with tools like Amplitude, Mixpanel, Kissmetrics, Segment, Heap, HubSpot, Intercom, Google Analytics, and Google Tag Manager so you can share data between all the solutions in your tech stack.

Userpilot’s cons

Of course, no tool is perfect and there are a few cons to consider before choosing Userpilot as your user onboarding or product growth solution:

  • Employee onboarding: Currently, Userpilot only supports in-app customer onboarding.
  • Mobile apps: Userpilot doesn’t have any mobile compatibility which could make it difficult for developers with cross-platform applications to create a consistent user experience for both versions of their product.
  • Freemium plan: There’s no freemium Userpilot plan so those bootstrapping their startup and need sub-$100 solutions should consider more affordable onboarding platforms like UserGuiding or Product Fruits.

What do users say about Userpilot?

Most users laud Userpilot for its versatile feature set, ease of use, and responsive support team:

I recently had the pleasure of using Userpilot, and I must say it exceeded all my expectations. As a product manager, I’m always on the lookout for tools that can enhance user onboarding and improve overall user experience. Userpilot not only delivered on these fronts but also went above and beyond with its impressive new features, unparalleled ease of use, and truly exceptional customer support.

What truly sets Userpilot apart is its outstanding customer support. Throughout my journey with Userpilot, the support team has been responsive, knowledgeable, and genuinely dedicated to helping me succeed. Whenever I had a question or encountered an issue, their support team was always there to assist promptly, going above and beyond to ensure my concerns were addressed effectively.

Source: G2.

Of course, other users are also kind enough to share constructive criticism regarding specific features like event tracking filters:

“The filtration while analyzing specific events is a little confusing. Understanding of custom properties and data management configuration could have been more organised.”

Source: G2.

Userpilot’s pricing

Userpilot’s transparent pricing ranges from $249/month on the entry-level end to an Enterprise tier for larger companies.

Furthermore, Userpilot’s entry-level plan includes access to all UI patterns and should include everything that most mid-market SaaS businesses need to get started.

userpilot pricing new april 2024
Userpilot has three paid plans to choose from:

  • Starter: The entry-level Starter plan starts at $249/month and includes features like segmentation, product analytics, reporting, user engagement, NPS feedback, and customization.
  • Growth: The Growth plan starts at $749/month and includes features like resource centers, advanced event-based triggers, unlimited feature tagging, AI-powered content localization, EU hosting options, and a dedicated customer success manager.
  • Enterprise: The Enterprise plan uses custom pricing and includes all the features from Starter + Growth plus custom roles/permissions, access to premium integrations, priority support, custom contract, SLA, SAML SSO, activity logs, security audit, and compliance (SOC 2/GDPR).


There you have it.

It should be easier now to make an informed decision whether HelpHero is your go-to option for digital adoption. Ultimately, the best choice will depend on your product and current needs.

If you’re looking for a better alternative to HelpHero for digital adoption, book a Userpilot demo today to experience firsthand how it can enhance your user experience and drive product growth!

Looking for a Better Alternative for Digital Adoption? Try Userpilot


  • 14 Day Trial
  • No Credit Card Required
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